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Past events

2 October 2012
Brussels, Belgium

ADWICE Stakeholder Exchange Conference

Adapting Drinking Water resources to the Impacts of Climate change in Europe

Climate change will significantly influence the replenishment of drinking water resources, water quality, and water infrastructure. An improved understanding of the vulnerability of drinking water resources in the European Union and available adaptation measures is key to improving future planning. ...
19 - 21 September 2012
Malmö, Sweden

EcoProcura 2012

The eighth conference in the EcoProcura series will take place in the Swedish city of Malmö and will focus on how public procurement can stimulate the broad uptake of new technology and become a driver for the green economy and social responsibility. The conference follows the 2009 event held in Re...
18 - 19 September 2012
Malmö, Sweden

Covenant capaCITY Conference

Energy Action Planning made easy!

Are you starting up with your municipal Sustainable Energy Action Plan (SEAP)? At the Covenant capaCITY Conference experts will lead you through the process - sharing useful guidance, great ideas and tips on how to proceed with SEAP development and stakeholder involvement.This one-day conference is ...
13 September 2012
Berlin, Germany

Energy and cost efficiency in data centres - New trends, strategies and tools

ICLEI - Local Governments for Sustainability is a partner in the EU project PrimeEnergyIT on energy efficient data centres. In the course of the project, the international conference "Energy and cost efficiency in data centres - New trends, strategies and tools" will take place in Berlin (Germany) o...
11 July 2012
Ancona, Italy

Interested in learning how to develop a successful Adaptation Strategy within your city?

DG Climate Action, through its project Adaptation Strategies for European Cities, offered the opportunity to receive free tailored expertise on climate change challenges in a free of charge Stakeholder Dialogue.Participants were able to exchange experiences on climate change vulnerabilities, share a...
28 - 30 June 2012
Malpete/Istanbul, Turkey

International 100% Renewable Energy Conference and Exhibition - IRENEC

Every year, EUROSOLAR Turkey, the Turkish Section of the European Association for Renewable Energy, organises the International 100 percent Renewable Energy Conference, to provide an international platform to discuss the technical, economic, and political aspects of the transition to 100 percent ren...
26 June 2012
Copenhagen, Denmark

3ENCULT Study Tour

Historic building renovation in Copenhagen

The City of Copenhagen played host to local political decision-makers and technical staff involved in monument protection and energy planning, who had the chance to explore innovative approaches in bridging the gap between preserving European landmarks and energy efficiency.Local governments from No...
21 June 2012
Brussels, Belgium

Innovative (and practical) approaches on how to make the Covenant of Mayors a success

Multi-level governance was one of the key themes to be discussed together with participative engagement and the creation of genuine “local energy communities” and networking practices at national levels. Ahead of the Rio+20 Summit, the event sought to showcase the benefits of local low energy an...
18 - 22 June 2012
Brussels, Belgium

European Union Sustainable Energy Week 2012

The European Union Sustainable Energy Week (EUSEW) is a week of events which take place all over Europe and Brussels. Events are organised to show, promote, discuss and celebrate renewable energy and energy efficiency.Energy days can be any event that promotes renewable energy or energy efficiency -...