
Search Result ( 784 - 791 from 791 )

Past events

27 June - 1 July 2009
Marseille, France

Fifth Urban Research Symposium

"Cities and Climate Change"

The topic for the 5th Urban Research Symposium was Cities and Climate Change: Responding to the Urgent Agenda. At a time when climate change is a major priority for the international community, this Symposium aimed to push forward the research agenda on climate change from a city’s perspective. Th...
18 June 2009
Brussels, Belgium

1st Breakfast at Sustainability's

The Big Bucks - Cost-effective Sustainable Public Procurement

Breakfasts at Sustainability's are small informal meetings hosted by Bxl Representations of regional & local governments. Topics covered are related to sustainable community development that are essential to public authorities, ranging from climate change issues to waste management, land use, wa...
28 - 29 May 2009
Almada, Portugal

Local Climate Change Roadmap

A Time for Mobilisation, Planning and Action

The conference set a landmark in mobilising Portuguese local governments on local climate action.Renowned international and Portuguese speakers, as well as some participants shared good examples and discussed the way forward. The event provided an overview of the impacts of climate change and the im...
27 - 30 April 2009
Freiburg, Germany

Local Renewables Freiburg 2009

The conference presented a variety of elements regarding the importance of energy in the urban environment, linked to a range of study tours. It focused on urban planning for the post carbon age, local policies for increasing the share of renewable energy, green buildings – a cornerstone of sustai...
25 - 27 March 2009
Reykjavik, Iceland

EcoProcura 2009 Conference

Climate Neutral through Procurement

Over 220 representatives from local governments, national governments and other public sector bodies met in Reykjavik to discuss how sustainable public purchasing practices can make a substantial contribution to climate change mitigation and adaptation. Iceland seized the momentous opportunity to al...
26 February 2008
Gotha, Germany

Sustainable procurement of timber in Thuringia

30 November 1999

OpenHeritage Policy Conference

“Bottom-up driven adaptive heritage reuse: policies and practices”

OpenHeritage and the University of Ghent organise a Policy Conference that will zoom in on “Bottom-up driven adaptive heritage reuse: policies and practices”. The one-day event will focus on providing a multi-faceted understanding of different policies that can support bottom-up initiati...
30 November 1999
Brussels, Belgium

Open Workshop: ‘From Net Zero to Plus Energy Buildings: designing buildings for climate and cultural diversity’

Deep dive into the future of housing

ICLEI partners from the EXCESS project (FleXible user-CEntric Energy poSitive houseS) are teaming up with experts from Cultural-E and Syn.ikia for an open workshop discussing all things 'plus-energy' buildings and neighbourhoods (PEB/PED).  Experts and partners from all across Europe involved ...