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Past events

21 - 22 June 2017, 14:00 - 17:30
Brussels, Belgium

Smart Cities @European Sustainable Energy Week

9 smart city projects to share lessons at Smarter is Cleaner event

What energy solutions are smart city projects producing? How closely can they be replicated from one city to another? Nine Horizon 2020 smart city projects will share their experiences during the European Energy Sustainable Week (EUSEW), taking place from 19 to 25 June 2017 in Brussels (Belgium).Jo...
19 - 23 June 2017
Brussels, Belgium

Visualizing Energy

Photo Exhibition

The public information campaign Visualizing Energy highlights the human dimension of the energy transition, showcasing workers in action on renewable energy and energy efficiency projects around Europe and beyond. The aim is to raise awareness among citizens and policy-makers of the potential of gr...