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Past events

15 September 2010
Brussels, Belgium

6th Breakfast at Sustainability's

Culture and Sustainable Energy: Today and tomorrow

Breakfast at Sustainability's are small informal meetings hosted by Bxl Representations of regional & local governments. Topics covered are related to sustainable community development which is essential to public authorities, ranging from climate change issues to waste management, land use, wat...
13 September 2010
Munich, Germany

Local Governments' Day

Cities adapt: local water strategies in a changing climate

The impacts of climate change on local water systems and the key ingredients for a successful adaptation strategy were among the topics discussed during the Local Governments' Day in Munich on 13 September 2010. Local and regional elected representatives as well as technical experts from all over Eu...
7 June 2010
Brussels, Belgium

4th Breakfast at Sustainability’s

Using water more efficiently – burning issues, current approaches, new alliances at local level

Close to 40 people, mainly representing Brussels-based representations of European local and regional governments from Estonia to Turkey, gathered at the EU Liaison Office of the Region of Istria on 7 June 2010. Those present explored topical issues, approaches and new alliances at local level for u...
28 - 30 May 2010
Bonn, Bad Godesberg, Germany

Resilient Cities 2010

Resilient Cities 2010 was the first edition of an annual convention to share the latest scientific findings, effective approaches and state-of-the-art programs on climate change adaptation and resilience-building in cities and urban areas. Resilient Cities 2010 facilitated exchange, learning, networ...
19 - 21 May 2010
Dunkerque, France

6th European Sustainable Cities & Towns Conference

Dunkerque 2010 explored how local sustainability can represent an answer to the current economic, social and climate crises. It also offered a unique opportunity to assess and push forward the progress and achievements of European local governments in the field of sustainable development, using the ...
14 - 16 April 2010
Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom

Informed Cities Forum

Making research work for local sustainability

European local governments and leading European researchers in the field of urban sustainability management contributed to a concrete dialogue in an effort to bridge the gap between research and policy-making.This key European event opened the Informed Cities Initiative and provided a platform for l...
25 March 2010
Brussels, Belgium

EUSEW: Sustainable NOW workshop

Guiding cities towards an effective, integrated Local Energy Action Plan

This workshop focused on developments in the Sustainable NOW project coordinated by ICLEI. Experiences of 8 communities were shared regarding how they are implementing a sustainable Local Energy Action Plan (LEAP)using an integrated cyclic management approach. A range of tools for local governments ...
25 - 26 March 2010
Grenoble, France

SESAC Renewable Energy Sources (RES) Seminar

As part of the CONCERTO Initiative's Sustainable Energy Systems in Advanced Cities (SESAC) project, this event focused on the city’s approach to improving energy efficiency and implementing RES in the urban environment.
23 February 2010
Brussels, Belgium

5th Breakfasts at Sustainability's

Innovative climate change adaption: building with nature

Breakfasts at Sustainability's are small informal meetings hosted by Brussels Representations of regional & local governments. Topics include issues related to sustainable community development that are essential to public authorities, ranging from climate change issues to waste management, land...