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Past events

8 March 2022, 10:00 - 11:00

Engaging women to DECIDE the future of energy transition

This webinar, hosted on International Women’s Day, will highlight the important and unique role that women play in energy transition in Europe. Click here to register to join. There are clear gender differences in the ongoing energy transition, visible both in overall participation in transi...
25 February 2022, 10:00 - 11:00

Strategic heating and cooling planning

From vision to engagement

The first out of three online sessions of the Act!onHeat Training Programme will provide an overview about the workflow of strategic heating and cooling (H&C) planning in cities. More specifically, the session will focus on the first steps to be taken by a municipality, which include the develop...
24 February 2022, 10:30 - 11:30

Financing Renewable Energy in Europe: trends, challenges and opportunities

Financing energy transition is a big challenge. If we want to achieve ambitious climate goals, we need to find new ways of funding – and new sources of financing for – renewable energy, fast! In this webinar, experts from the Netherlands, Poland and the UK will explore the main challeng...
24 February 2022, 09:30 - 11:30
Brussels, Belgium

Leveraging the potential of local innovation

Covenant cities showing the way

Cities play a key role in creating a supportive ecosystem for technology, innovation, learning, and knowledge by bringing together citizens and different partners from universities and research institutes to local businesses and SMEs. In this workshop, we will focus on how Covenant signatories are l...
23 February 2022, 08:30 - 10:00

Replicating nature-based solutions across the urban fabric

UrbanByNature China series

The sixth and final UrbanByNature (UbN) China webinar will conclude with STEP7/UPSCALE of the UbN programme. Moving from single pilot interventions to city-wide NBS application is crucial to reap the benefits of nature across the entire urban fabric. Speakers from Connecting Nature, CLEVER Cities, a...
21 February 2022, 14:00 - 15:30

NetworkNature: Sharing experiences of Ecosystem Restoration as a Nature-based Solution

- Online -

The workshop "Sharing experiences of Ecosystem Restoration as a Nature-based Solution" aims to bring together diverse stakeholders to reflect on the specific challenges and opportunities for ecosystem restoration.  The Workshop will include keynote addresses about the existing objectives and o...
17 February 2022, 15:30 - 17:00

Power Literacy in Just Sustainability Transitions

How to speak 'truth to power' in #JustSustainabilityTransitions

Power is at the heart of a vast number of urban sustainability challenges. To truly forge sustainable and just cities, we must learn to "speak truth to power." ICLEI Europe, DRIFT and the Vital Cities & Citizens initiative are collaborating to host an online Q&A session in which participant...
15 February 2022, 10:00

Transforming Buildings and Districts into Power Plants

Oppurtunities for local government action with the Covenant of Mayors & EXCESS

As is evidenced in the publication of a growing number of ambitious Sustainable Energy and Climate Action Plans (SECAPs), local governments across Europe are ramping up the implementation of measures to decarbonise buildings and neighbourhoods, to meet climate targets. Over the past decade, the numb...
27 January 2022, 10:00 - 13:15

SONNET on Tour in Warsaw

Social Innovation in Energy Transitions in Central and Eastern Europe

Join an online, half-day deep dive into social innovations in energy (SIEs) in Central and Eastern Europe. This event will connect participants with experts and practitioners from the region to discuss the role SIEs play in transforming energy systems, and the collaboration between actors involved i...