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Past events

5 October 2011
Brussels, Belgium

Bioenergy planning in European regions

Joint Final Conference BEn, BioEnerGIS, MAKE-IT-BE projects

This joint final conference presented the sizeable contribution of three IEE co-funded projects: BEn, BioEnerGIS, MAKE-IT-BE to the roll-out of bioenergy potential at a regional level in Europe.European Commission representatives and project experts shared success stories and exchanged their experti...
5 October 2011
Wiesbaden, Germany

Creating landmarks / Landmarken setzen

Anchoring green public procurement principles in training / Verankerung des Themas umweltfreundliche öffentliche Beschaffung in Aus- und Fortbildung

*Siehe unten für Text auf Deutsch*The project "Creating landmarks" offered a customised and user-oriented training concept for teachers and curriculum leaders from administration training academies (Train-the-trainer seminars). The opening event for this project offered representatives from trainin...
15 - 16 September 2011
Freiburg, Germany

Changing the Energy System to Renewable Energy Self-Sufficiency (RESS)

An inter- and transdisciplinary approach

The conference brought participants together to discuss how regions can successfully make the transformation to sustainable energy, with a view to achieveing energy self sufficiency. The ecological, economic, technical and social factors that must be considered in establishing sustainable energy wer...
13 September 2011
Brussels, Belgium

Effective solutions for green urban transport - Learning from CIVITAS cities

Local authorities, transport experts and others in the field of sustainable mobility participated in the first workshop on the “Effective solutions for green urban transport – Learning from CIVITAS cities” series. The workshop took place on 13 September 2011 in parallel with the ICLEI European...
12 - 14 September 2011
Brussels, Belgium

ICLEI European Convention 2011

Cities in Europe 2020 - Enhance Sustainability Now!

The ICLEI European Convention 2011 was a challenging and thought-provoking event that addressed both ICLEI members and the many European cities that want to make a difference by creating a sustainable society. This engaging event took place in Brussels and allowed participants to discuss sustainable...
30 June 2011
Ludwigsburg, Germany

Sustainable Now Congress: Local and regional energy concepts

Sustainable energy concepts for municipalities and regions are becoming increasingly important. In fact, these concepts are often mandatory to apply for funding opportunities on the federal level as well as in the Baden-Württemberg region in Germany. This is also true at EU level, with the Covenant...
29 June 2011
Brussels, Belgium

9th Breakfast at Sustainability's

Smart procurement - reducing costs and saving energy

The event aimed to explore the mutually beneficial relationship that exists between manufacturers and local governments in the production and procurement of low-carbon, energy efficient products. Many manufacturers are reluctant to invest in the development of innovative technologies because of conc...
27 - 28 June 2011
Turin, Italy

Public Procurement of Innovation

Facing Societal Challenges, Delivering Better Public Services & Supporting SMEs to Innovate

This event gathered about 250 innovation actors from across Europe, including public procurers, policy makers, SME representatives and the European Commission. The SCI-Network hosted two dedicated sessions looking at innovative and sustainable construction procurement in the public sector, on the af...
3 - 5 June 2011
Bonn, Germany

Resilient Cities 2011

Resilient Cities 2011, the second world congress on Cities and Adaptation to Climate Change, took place from 3-5 June 2011 in Bonn, Germany, ahead of the UNFCCC Bonn Climate Talks.The conference concluded that to cover the shortfall of finance for urban adaptation, there needs to be a change in glob...