
Search Result ( 730 - 738 from 763 )

Past events

9 December 2010
Brussels, Belgium

7th Breakfast at Sustainability's

Urban Sustainable Food Supply: A Win-Win Strategy

During this installment of the Breakfast at Sustainability's series, titled Sustainable Urban Food Supply, presentations and interactive discussions took place, centered around sustainable food supply in the framework of European agricultural policies, urban-rural linkages, urban agriculture, farmer...
3 December 2010
Cancun, Mexico


Introducing global mechanisms for measurable, reportable, verifiable local climate action

Prior to the start of COP16, local governments worldwide moved to the next phase of concrete climate action at the World Mayors Summit on Climate (WMSC2010) in Mexico City on 21 November 2010, convened by Mexico City in conjunction with the World Mayors Council on Climate Change (WMCCC), ICLEI – L...
18 November 2010
Bremen, Germany

Saving costs and the environment/ Kosten senken und die Umwelt schützen

A German-wide exchange on GPP/ Ein deutschlandweiter Erfahrungsaustausch zum öffentlichen Einkauf

*** Siehe unten für den Text auf Deutsch ***Public authorities from across Germany came together to exchange on good practice, learn how to build on the outcomes of a training series on GPP and get the necessary support to implement capacity-building and other actions.During the event, generously h...
18 - 19 November 2010
Huelva (Provincial Council), Spain

Training Seminar for Supporting Structures

Energy for Mayors Seminar

This seminar was aimed at organisations, networks and sub-national governments that are Supporting Structures (SSt) and those interested in becoming SSt to the Covenant of Mayors. It aimed to further develop their capacity and optimise assistance provided to cities and towns.The Covenant of Mayors i...
11 - 12 November 2010
Helsinki, Finland

Procura+ Seminar: Innovation through Procurement

The aim of the seminar was to exchange ideas, concepts, opinions and experiences on how sustainable procurement can contribute to innovation in the areas of sustainable construction, small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) and supplier engagement. Bringing together procurers, policy makers, multip...
3 November 2010
Kiel, Germany

The e-CO Toolbox - Tools and Instruments for local energy and climate protection management/ Der e-KO Werkzeugkasten - Instrumente für kommunales Energie- und Klimaschutzmanagement

Energie-Workshop Nr.3 der Innovationsstiftung Schleswig Holstein

*** Siehe unten für den Text auf Deutsch *** With a comparison of instruments for the managers of local climate protection Doris Lorenz, Beratung and Management Kiel introduced Energy Workshop No. 3. Participants recieved eight specialised lectures on tools and signposts/guides on effective energy...
20 - 22 October 2010
Stockholm, Sweden

European Green Capital Conference 2010

Inviting you to the first European Green Capital Conference

The conference presented inspiring examples of how Stockholm and other European and international cities work to deal with our shared main challenge: meeting the demands of growing cities, and combining them with sustainable development. The City of Stockholm shared its experiences by offering a var...
14 - 15 October 2010
Freiburg, Germany

Local Renewables Conference Freiburg 2010

Changing fuels or changing patterns? The role of renewables in sustainable urban mobility.

Around 200 participants from local governments in Europe and worldwide, decision-makers from various levels of government, energy service providers and business representatives, as well as experts on sustainable energy and urban mobility gathered to discuss, exchange, learn and get ideas for local p...
5 - 7 October 2010
Incheon, Republic of Korea

Future of Cities - ICLEI's 20th Anniversary Congress

Eco-efficiency • Resilience • Green Economy • Happiness. ICLEI's 20th Anniversary Congress.

ICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainability and its strategic partners held the Future of Cities congress in Incheon, Republic of Korea, to address the monumental challenges facing rapidly growing cities in the 21st Century. Achieving urban eco-efficiency, resilient cities, green economies and ha...