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Past events

15 October 2020, 10:00 - 11:00

Virtual Study Tour - PlastiCircle pilot in Alba Iulia

Circular Week 2020

As part of the Circular Week 2020, PlastiCircle is organising a virtual study tour to the pilot in Alba Iulia (Romania). City authorities, waste managers, procurers, companies and other plastic stakeholders are invited to join this meeting taking place next October, 15 (10:00 - 11.00 CEST). The Pla...
2 October 2020, 09:30 - 11:00

Mannheim2020 Conference Toolbox session: Lessons from the European Green Capital Network

The European Green Capital Network Secretariat invites you to join its session “Toolbox: Lessons from the European Green Capital Network”, taking place on 2 October as part of the 9th European Conference on Sustainable Cities & Towns: Mannheim2020.During 2018-2020, the European Green...
30 September - 2 October 2020


9th European Conference on Sustainable Cities and Towns

(Virtually) hosted by the City of Mannheim and ICLEI Europe, the European Conference on Sustainable Cities and Towns will open its doors for the 9th time from 30 September - 2 October 2020, in a new online format. The conference will demonstrate the urgent need for local governm...
16 September 2020, 09:30 - 12:00

Towards local circular bioeconomies: challenges and perspectives

33rd Breakfast at Sustainability's

With the EU Green Deal and the EU’s Bioeconomy Strategy setting sights on turning Europe’s economic model from linear to circular, it is on local and regional public authorities to facilitate the required social, behavioural and economic shifts locally. With the coronavirus pandemic hav...
9 September 2020, 14:00 - 15:00

European Green Capital Network Webinar: Less Waste, More Value

How can your city get to less waste, more value?

During 2018-2020, the European Green Capital Network is developing five toolkits to share the experience of European Green Capital Award winners and finalists with other cities and provide recommendations and strategies around key thematic visions for sustainable urban development. Following the la...
17 March 2020, 09:30 - 13:30

32nd Breakfast at Sustainability's

Innovations in plastic(s) for a circular economy - CIRC-PACK final event

*This event has been updated from a 'Breakfast at Sustainability's' to a webinar* The European Green Deal sets out ambitious goals for plastic packaging products in EU, including having all products on the market be reusable or recyclable by 2030. Ambitions of such magnitude require innovation; lu...
13 February 2020, 08:30 - 10:30
Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany

Designing & building with renewable raw materials - challenges and perspectives

BioVoices Mobilisation and Mutual Learning Workshop

Please note that this event will take place in German. The BioVoices project will host another "Mobilisation and Mutual Learning Workshop" on 13 February 2020 in ICLEI Member Freiburg (Germany), as part of the two-day "Kongress Energieautonome Kommunen" (Congress of Energy-autonomous Municipalities...
21 November 2019, 08:30 - 12:30
Brussels, Belgium

31st Breakfast at Sustainability's

Circular Models for Cultural Heritage Adaptive Reuse in Cities and Regions

The adaptive reuse of cultural heritage can be used as a key strategy in the implementation of a circular economy. A taskforce on “Circular models for cultural heritage adaptive reuse in cities and regions” first convened in November 2018 to address this very point. In particular, the gr...
3 July 2019, 12:30 - 18:00
Sigmaringen, Germany

Local Value Chains

A key aspect of a more sustainable bioeconomy

Please note that this event will take place in German. Are you eager to know more about the important role that the creation of new, local value chains based on renewable raw materials has on local bioeconomies? Then be sure to join this interactive workshop and product show. As part of the BioVoi...