The COM4LGD project addresses the intersection of the climate crisis and social-political polarization in the EU by promoting local community development, sustainability, and democratic participation. It aims to engage citizens in climate actions while strengthening democratic processes. Key goals include building a transnational grassroots network, improving policymaker accountability, empowering communities, and advancing gender equality. The project focuses on inclusive, community-driven approaches to ensure long-term EU-wide impact, particularly for women, non-binary persons, and youth.
ICLEI's main activities include hosting three events:
- A Training for local governments for empowering local governance for just sustainability transition.
- A 'Southern Europe Gathering' which convenes community groups, local governments, and others to discuss community-based localisation of the EGD, targeting the theme of climate resilience.
- A 'European Policy Event' to deliver messages of transformative local sustainable development to the EU level.