

ECOsystem-Based Governance with DAnube Lighthouse Living Lab for Sustainable Innovation Process

2023 - 2026

The 2030 & 2050 Green Deal goals push the EU towards integrated solutions & clear targets. EcoDaLLi, embedded in the Mission ‘Restore our Ocean, seas & waters by 2030’ will help achieve freshwater targets of the European Green Deal, integrating a systemic approach for restoration, protection & preservation for the entire Danube Basin, provided by coordinated actions. The main objective of EcoDaLLi is to centralise Danube governance structures in terms of innovative solutions for improved ecological restoration, protection and preservation of the Danube basin and its Delta by fostering a stronger innovation ecosystem within a well-connected Practices Living Lab System, supported by a digital Portal, completely linked to the Mission Implementation Platform.

Innovative solutions open new opportunities for better water restoration, taking into consideration social innovation aspects, and thereby reducing climate change effects. Improved governance at Danube Basin level, based on dedicated EcoDaLLi tools, will foster such innovative solutions, change mindsets on water ecosystems restoration and develop value chains based on ecosystem services. EcoDaLLi will support innovators connect to governance structures, provide and maintain networks. Through dedicated Living Labs for knowledge co-creation, workshops, a custom made digital portal for synergies, and innovation support services, EcoDaLLi experiments with new solutions, helping the innovation ecosystem create circular services towards a Sustainable Blue Economy in the Danube Basin and beyond.

Carme Machí Castañer
  • Draž (Croatia)
  • Tulcea (Romania)

This project is funded by the European Union.