
Search Result ( 1 - 9 from 40 )


SOILTRIBES is all about establishing, activating, and empowering multi-actor communities tied by a strong and familiar soil “dialect”, a deep emotional connection backed up by relevant knowledge and an action oriented mindset that recognises the key role each and everyone together has in...


SPADES (Spatial Planning And DEsign with Soil) focuses on securing soils in spatial planning and developments, as part of the Mission A Soil Deal for Europe. Researchers are tackling this in seventeen locations in ten countries in Europe. SPADES will develop, test and implement soil-inclusive practi...

Berlin Urban Nature Pact

The Berlin Urban Nature Pact is an initiative of the Berlin Senate Department for Mobility, Transport, Climate Protection and Environment (SenMVKU). Its objective is to realize the goals of the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework (GBF) and the renewed Plan of Action on Subnational Governm...


The EU-funded UNPplus (UNP+) project will address the need for coordinated top-down and bottom-up initiatives, engaging city- and community-driven efforts to complement national sustainability plans.


The GoNaturePositive! project is at the forefront of a pioneering, transdisciplinary, and collaborative effort aimed at accelerating the shift towards a nature-positive economy. It aims to do this by raising awareness and initiating transformative actions amongst key stakeholders, including policyma...


NetworkNature gathers nature-based solutions communities, resources, projects, best practices and tools under one roof.


Reliability and effectiveness of integrated alternative water resources management for regional climate change adaptation

RECREATE aims to improve the resilience of water supplies and protect the status of natural water resources by facilitating the assessment and inclusion of Alternative Water Resources(AWR) in water management planning for water-scarce regions, and to increase awareness and acceptance of and trust in...

Urban ReLeaf

Citizen-powered data ecosystems for inclusive and green urban transitions

Urban ReLeaf delivers citizen-powered data ecosystems to support cross-sectoral innovation and political agenda setting for climate change adaptation and green infrastructure planning in urban environments.
Nature-based Solutions, such as the expansion of urban greenspace and planting of trees, can...


Utilisation of private land for mainstreaming nature-based solution in the systemic transformation towards a climate-resilient Europe.

LAND4CLIMATE aims to deploy and demonstrate the implementation of nature-based solutions (NBS) on private land. NBS are inspired by nature or natural processes. They promise to enhance the resilience of landscapes and urban settlements. However, the implementation of NBS is still in its infancy, esp...