
Search Result ( 10 - 18 from 34 )


Equitable RESilience solutions to strengthen the link between CUltural landscapEs and coMmunitiEs

RescueME focuses on a landscape approach to resilience, aiming to protect cultural heritage and landscapes.


Coastal Climate Core Services

CoCliCo will be an open-source web platform informing users on present-day & future coastal risks with the goal of improving decision-making on coastal risk management and adaptation, by establishing an integrated core service dedicated to coastal adaptation to sea-level rise.


ModULar Tools for Integrating enhanced natural treatment SOlutions in URban water CyclEs

MULTISOURCE facilitates the systematic, city-wide planning of nature-based solutions for urban water treatment, storage, and reuse. With seven technical pilots across Europe and USA, a wide range of urban waters will be treated throughout the project, while decision support tools will be co-des...


CRoss-sEcToral planning decisIoN-maKing platform to foster climate Action

RethinkAction develops a cross-sectoral decision-making platform tailored to the needs of different end-users. The platform will deliver clear and valuable information on climate change and increase awareness and attractiveness referring to land use based mitigation and adaptation solutions.&nb...

nZEB Ready

Enhancing Market Readiness for nZEB Implementation

nZEB Ready aims to increase market readiness for "near-zero energy building" (nZEB) implementation.


Smart Energy Solutions for Africa

SESA is a collaborative project between the European Union and nine African countries that aims at providing energy access technologies and business models that are easily replicable and generate local opportunities for economic development and social cohesion in Africa, also using European know-how...

REGILIENCE - Resilience Strategies for Regions

REGILIENCE aims to foster the adoption and wide dissemination of regional climate resilience pathways, following a demand-driven approach and bearing in mind the expertise and knowledge acquired, as well as the solutions available from Innovation Packages and other sources.
The project will develop...


Empowering Energy Poor Citizens through Joint Energy Initiatives

Energy poverty represents a serious challenge today. As a result, supporting programmes and alternative financial initiatives have emerged as a viable means to mitigate its effects on energy-poor citizens.
The EU-funded POWERPOOR project will develop support programmes/schemes for energy-poor citiz...


FlEXible user-CEntric Energy poSitive houseS

The EXCESS project builds on nearly-zero energy multi-storey building residential concepts of the four main EU climate zones towards fleXible Energy user-CEntric poSitive houseS.