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Fair Local Green Deals

Fair Local Green Deals

The Cities of Valencia, Vitoria-Gasteiz, Wroclaw, Lodz and Ghent have joined forces with ICLEI Europe to implement the Fair Local Green Deals Project. The project puts participation at its core, aiming to find a unique tailored approach for involving citizens and other local stakeholders in each of ...


Energy Citizenship and Energy Communities for a Clean Energy Transition

The active involvement and empowerment of the people in the energy sector is crucial to the transition to a clean energy society. Therefore, EC2 seeks to scale-up energy citizenship and energy-communities. The project provides evidence-based practical guidance to strengthen energy citizenship and th...


Empowering Energy Poor Citizens through Joint Energy Initiatives

Energy poverty represent a serious challenge. As a result, support programs and alternative financial initiatives emerged as viable means to mitigate its effects on energy-poor citizens.
The EU-funded POWERPOOR project developed support programs and schemes for energy-poor citizens and encouraged t...


Carbon Intensive Regions in Transition - Unravelling the Challenges of Structural Change

The CINTRAN project studies the complex patterns and dynamics of structural change in those carbon-intensive regions across Europe.


Urban PoLicy Innovation to address inequality with and for Future generaTions

UPLIFT seeks to establish an innovative approach to urban policy design for reducing socio-economic inequalities.

Initiative for coal regions in transition

Assisting coal-intensive regions in preparing, developing and implementing just transitions to low-carbon economies.


Urban Arenas for Sustainable and Just Cities

UrbanA synthesises innovative solutions for sustainable and just cities, building on the results of prior EU-funded research and a co-creative distillation process - a series of four Urban Arenas involving diverse city-makers.