
Search Result ( 19 - 27 from 94 )


Innovation Procurement Brokers

The Innovation Procurement Brokers project aims to facilitate the procurement of innovative goods and services by strengthening the links between public buyers on the demand side and innovative companies on the supply side.

LEA Learntech Accelerator

Smart, inclusive and sustainable demand-based development of learning technology

The LEA project aims to develop a critical mass of European procurers demanding innovative learning/educational technology (learntech) solutions.

EC GPP Training and Toolkit

ICLEI, together with a series of organisations from across the EU, is updating the European Commission's GPP Training Toolkit, and organising 10 training programmes for procurers in seven EU countries.


European network of competence centres for innovation procurement

Procure2Innovate aims to improve institutional support for public procurers implementing innovation procurement in information and communication technologies (ICT) and other sectors. It will do this by establishing five new competence centres, and enlarging the scope of support offered by five exist...

EC LCC tools

EC LCC tools

Life Cycle Costing (LCC) tool development in priority product sectors such as ICT and lighting..

Make ICT Fair

Reforming manufacture and minerals supply chains through policy, finance and public procurement

This project is a three-year EuropeanAid project aiming at improving the lives of workers and those impacted along different stages of the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) supply chain through research, campaigning, capacity building and advocacy.


INNOPATHS is a four year EU funded research project that aims to work with key economic and societal actors to generate new, state-of-the-art low-carbon pathways for the European Union.

Circular PP

The road to circular public procurement

Circular PP aims to use public procurement in the Baltic Sea Region as a catalyst for the transition to a circular economy.

NGO Network

European NGO Network on Green Public Procurement

NGOs are well-placed to provide information to local, regional, and national governments, making them better equipped to engage in GPP. To make it easier for NGOs to work with public procurers to enhance GPP uptake, a network was established in 2016 with the support of the European Commission.