AQUA-Water Resources Protection at the Local Level
Water Resources Protection at the Local Level. Activities and Contacts
2000 - 2001
To collect existing information and technical expertise on local water management and transform it for adequate communication to relevant stakeholders and the general public involved in Local Agenda 21 processes in order to promote sustainable water management.
The project was based on the assumption that there is sufficient technical information and a range of good practice implementation available but a lack of awareness about water-related problems, their urgency and potential solutions. The four major steps of the project were: the motivation of actors in the field for Local Agenda 21 and water protection, the development of quality criteria for sustainable water management, the collection of good practice examples according to these criteria and the exchange of experience, contacts and up-to-date information. The results are documented in a handbook and a public and dynamic internet site which also provides communication tools for interested activists. It can be accessed at