

Integrated urban food policies: developing sustainability Co-benefits, spatial Linkages, social Inclusion and sectoral Connectivities to transform food systems in city-regions

2022 - 2027

FoodCLIC is a four-years EU-funded project, running from September 2022 to February 2027 and dedicated to support the development of integrated urban food policies across Europe to improve the accessibility and availability of healthy and sustainably produced food for all people and in particular for food-deprived communities.

Given the multi-dimensional nature of food system transformation, FoodCLIC strives to connect people, food, and policy in a place-based approach, drawing upon the CLIC framework, which fulfils four conditions: sustainability Cobenefits; strengthened rural-urban Linkages across the food system; the Inclusion of all (food) stakeholders; and the creation of Connectivities between food and other complex systems and policy priorities.

The FoodCLIC project goes through various phases and accompanies its pilot city-regions from theory, i.e. analysing food environments and planning possible interventions, to concrete food system changes. In the overall process, all partners aim to support the transformation of food environments in eight Pilot city-regions (Aarhus, Budapest, Brasov, Berlin, Lucca, Barcelona, Amsterdam, Lisbon), leading to the implementation of locally defined interventions that are functional in shaping food policies and influencing the way food is produced, processed, distributed, purchased and provided.

In spring 2024, with the intention to co-adapt FoodCLIC’s approach, project outputs and learnings to different political, legal, institutional, socio-economic and cultural contexts, the project consortium expands its radius and starts collaborating with eight additional Broadening city-regions, providing all city-regions with the opportunity to exchange knowledge and to create cross-learning experiences.

  • Amsterdam
  • Comune di Capannori (Plain of Lucca), Italy
  • Municipiul Brasov, Romania
  • City of Berlin, Germany
  • City of Lisbon, Portugal

This project receives funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe Innovation Action under Grant Agreement No: 101060717