Regions that economically depend on fossil fuel extraction or energy-intensive industries are disproportionately affected by the decarbonization of industry and the economy. The CINTRAN project studied the complex patterns and dynamics of structural change in these carbon-intensive regions across Europe. It examined the pace of transformation and the regions’ capacity to cope and adapt proactively through highly integrated, inter- and transdisciplinary research, working in close collaboration with regional stakeholders from four highly fossil-fuel-dependent regions: Western Macedonia (Greece), Silesia (Poland), Ida-Virumaa (Estonia), and the Rhenish mining area (Germany). This knowledge informed more effective, just, and inclusive governance of regional transformations.
CINTRAN was a four-year research and stakeholder engagement program funded by Horizon 2020. Led by the Wuppertal Institute, the CINTRAN consortium involved 13 partners and around 40 researchers from eight countries across Europe.
Within the project, ICLEI Europe’s main role was to lead workshops and learning activities for stakeholders involved in the coal transition, particularly in the four project regions.