The Deutscher Nachhaltigkeitspreis (German Sustainability Award) is an annual award for sustainability that recognizes outstanding achievements by companies, local governments and individuals. The award is endorsed by the German Federal Government, local and business associations as well as numerous NGOs, among them UNESCO and UNICEF. The German Sustainability Award was established in 2008 to encourage the acceptance of social and ecological responsibility and to identify role models in this area.
ICLEI is a member of the assessment team for the category “cities”. In that capacity ICLEI, together with the client and our partners, evaluates the applications of participating local governments and creates a short list of the most outstanding applicants. The evaluations and short list form the basis for the jury’s decision. The German Sustainability Award for cities is awarded to local governments in the sub-categories large cities, medium sized cities and small towns.
The evaluation is undertaken by desk research, on site visits and in-depth interviews with mayors and senior staff of the applicant cities. ICLEI is continuously involved in updating and adapting the assessment methodology.