Publications & tools

Guidance document

15 Frequently asked questions on socially responsible public procurement

Public authorities can engage in socially-responsible public procurement by buying ethical products and services, and by using public tenders to create job opportunities, decent work, social and professional inclusion and better conditions for disabled and disadvantaged people.

Buying responsibly and ethically can also create incentives for entrepreneurs to commit to a more responsible and sustainable management of the production process and the employment of workers. This makes socially-responsible public procurement a strategic tool to drive social and labour policies forward in an effective manner.

The European Commission intends to facilitate the uptake of socially-responsible criteria in public procurement and to promote their use across the EU. We are organising a series of workshops on the use of social clauses and updating the 'buying social' guide.

For more information: 

15 Frequently asked questions on socially responsible public procurement


Learn more about the #WeBuySocialEU campaign here
