
Search Result ( 370 - 378 from 763 )

Past events

4 November 2019, 12:00 - 16:00
Hamburg, Germany

Fostering partnerships for scaling NBS to enhance rainwater capture and management

Hamburg CiBiX Workshop

ICLEI Member Hamburg (Germany) is hosting a CiBiX (City Business Collaboration) Workshop focused on increasing public-private action on implementing NBS for rainwater capture and management. The early-engagement meeting aims to explore partnership needs and ideas in order to scale NBS within Hamburg...
29 October 2019, 14:00 - 15:00

UrbanByNature Webinar: how to finance nature-based solutions in the urban environment

UrbanByNature – the Global Programme for Urban Nature Pioneers – will host the next webinar in its series. This webinar will explore "How to finance nature-based solutions in the urban environment”. In this webinar, which will take place on 29 October from 14:00-15:00 CET (10:00-1...
18 October 2019, 10:45 - 12:30
Brussels, Belgium

Optimised local thermal network planning workshop

CELSIUS Summit 2019 - THERMOS European Inspire Event

On 18 October 2019, THERMOS will inspire optimised local thermal network planning at the CELSIUS Summit taking place from 17-18 October 2019 in Brussels (Belgium). Building on state-of-the-art thermal energy mapping and modelling practices, the last THERMOS European Inspire workshop aims to acceler...
15 - 16 October 2019
Warsaw, Poland

7th Informed Cities Forum

Who profits from heritage?

ICLEI Europe invites you to join more than 100 urban thinkers and practitioners from across Europe in the Praga district of Warsaw (Poland) for the 7th edition of the Informed Cities Forum, taking place 15-16 October 2019. The 2019 edition will zoom in on urban regeneration processes, examining the...
9 October 2019, 11:15 - 13:00
Brussels, Belgium

30th Breakfast at Sustainability's

How School Meals Can Drive Local and Regional Change

Case studies show that investing €1 in sustainable school meals can bring up to €6 in social return on investment. Given this fact, imagine the impact of sustainable school meals all across Europe! Discussing school meals enables an exploration of sustainable food procurement, and questio...
9 October 2019, 09:30 - 18:00
Brussels, Belgium

Equitable and resilient access to the benefits of green and blue infrastructure

This conference, organised by the ENABLE Project, will bring together ICLEI Members Barcelona (Spain), Oslo (Norway) and Stockholm (Sweden), as well as Łódź (Poland) and Halle (Germany) (tbc), alongside leading researchers to contribute to and investigate how the benefits of green and blue ...
9 October 2019, 14:30 - 17:00
Brussels, Belgium

Implementing the Paris Agreement: EU cities and regions in energy transition

European Week of Regions and Cities 2019

Meeting the objective specified in the Paris Agreement to limit global warming to 1.5°C depends on sub-national authorities successfully and rapidly managing a cross-sectoral transition of European energy systems towards a secure and sustainable low-emission energy supply and infrastructure. Th...
9 October 2019, 09:00 - 18:30
Lisbon, Portugal

First International Energy Communities Conference

At a time when energy systems are undergoing a profound transformation that may not only result in a 100% renewable system, but also a more intelligent network and a more democratic, open and horizontal energy model, we would like to invite all stakeholders in the sector to discuss the issues facing...
9 October 2019, 14:30 - 17:00
1040 Brussels, Belgium

The future of biodiversity in the hands of EU cities and regions

European Week of Regions & Cities 2019

This interactive event discusses cities' and regions' contribution to the formulation and implementation of the post-2020 global and European biodiversity policy framework. Their potential for biodiversity action is not fully utilised at present, although it is increasingly recognised. The ongoing p...