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Past events

24 June 2019, 12:00 - 18:00
Bonn, Germany

Nature-based Cities

A Nature-based Solutions Peer-Learning Workshop for Cities

The ICLEI European Secretariat and the NATURVATION project invite European local governments to join us for an afternoon of peer-exchange around nature-based solutions. During this interactive workshop, you will have the opportunity to: Learn how to develop a portfolio of nature-based solution in...
20 June 2019, 11:00 - 12:30
Brussels, Belgium

New Secretariat of the Platform for Coal Regions in Transition

No region should be left behind in the transition towards a low carbon economy and society. The Platform for Coal Regions in Transition of the European Commission supports coal regions to take on the challenge of the clean energy transition by: Building capacity through needs-oriented technical a...
19 June 2019, 09:00 - 10:30
Brussels, Belgium

Speed up the energy transition by raising social acceptance

EUSEW Policy Conference Session

This session will offer a platform to explore how to bring on board all Europeans as active drivers for change in the energy landscape. Join us to discuss: how the increase in social acceptance of renewable energy sources (RES) in communities across Europe can be decisive in securing a more sust...
19 June 2019, 14:00 - 18:00
Brussels, Belgium

Local district energy planning reloaded - Hot solutions and cool technologies

European Sustainable Energy Week

Are you an energy stakeholder ambitious to achieve local energy transition and reach climate goals? Come and identify the most sustainable and financially viable options for your district energy planning processes at the joint KeepWarm & THERMOS stand at the Energy Fair during the EU Sustainabl...
18 June 2019, 14:00 - 15:30
Brussels, Belgium

Life after the Clean Energy Package

Unleashing the power of renewable energy for citizens and communities

All over Europe, the energy revolution is gaining momentum. Individuals, communities, cities and local authorities are at the vanguard of Europe’s energy transition: they are increasingly controlling and producing their own renewable energy, and fostering the transition to fairer, democratic a...
17 June 2019, 09:00 - 16:30
Brussels, Belgium

Knowledge Transfer of Innovative Mechanisms for Socially-Inclusive Wind Energy Deployment across Europe

Join us to discuss how to strengthen social acceptance of, and community engagement in, renewable energy with a focus on enabling factors and drivers of social acceptance of wind energy throughout Europe. The event will also explore how the EU Clean Energy for All package will impact policies and ac...
12 June 2019, 14:00 - 15:00

How can your city become future-proof?

Webinar hosted by the European Green Capital Network

On 12 June at 14:00, the European Green Capital Network – a network of all the former European Green Capital Award winners and finalists – will welcome all cities and interested parties to its Future-proof webinar. This event is free to attend and offers guidance, insider tips and the op...
11 June 2019, 14:00 - 15:30

The importance of NECPs for the development of prosumer initiatives in the EU

Webinar organised by the PROSEU project in cooperation with the Community Power Coalition

  Background and objectives EU member states are currently drafting National Energy and Climate Plans (NECPs) set and required under the EU Governance Regulation. Draft NECPs had to be submitted to the European Commission by the end of 2018. Final NECPs are due by the end of 2019. There is s...
29 May 2019, 09:30 - 15:30
Bonn, Germany

Perspectives on and Challenges for the Bioeconomy

Please note that this event will take place in German. Join Biobridges, BLOOM and BIOVOICES as they bring together key German and European stakeholders from academia, civil society, business and public policy for an interactive discussion covering perspectives on and challenges related to bio-based...