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Past events

16 - 17 June 2016
Dresden, Germany

5th Informed Cities Forum

The 5th edition of the Informed Cities Forum will take place in ICLEI member Dresden (Germany) from 16-17 June 2016, bringing together urban leaders and changemakers from across Europe. As an urban area that has consistently rebuilt itself following political and natural crises, Dresden is the natur...
15 June 2016, 11.00 - 12.30
Brussels, Belgium

Energy Union - What Local Leadership can tell us about Energy Transition

Local Leadership driving the Transition

Local governments are at the forefront of sustainable energy deployment in Europe, and their long-term commitment to reducing GHG emissions, increasing RES and energy efficiency is demonstrated through active participation in initiatives such as Covenant of Mayors. As the government level closest to...
9 June 2016
Ghent, Belgium

Sustainable Catering Forum in Ghent

We invite you to join us for the Sustainable Catering Forum - an event that will bring together a mix of learners, thinkers and doers working in the field of sustainable public procurement from all over Europe.The aim is to learn from each other, exchange experience and build new alliances for the c...
2 June 2016
Brussels, Belgium

20th B@S looks at the impact on cities of the Sustainable Development Goals

The 20th edition of the Breakfast at Sustainability's (B@S) series took place on 2 June 2016 in Brussels (Belgium), focusing on what the universal Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) mean for European cities and how citizens and grassroots initiatives can help to implement them. The session, titled...
1 - 30 June 2016

Urban Transport Roadmaps 2030 Webinar Series

The Urban Transport Roadmaps 2030 Tool was launched on 14 April at the close of the 3rd European Conference on Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans. The free tool, commissioned by DG MOVE, is a product of an expert and stakeholder engagement process. It is designed to allow cities to explore transport ...
24 May 2016, 11:00 - 12:30

Webinar: Enhancing heating & cooling strategies at local level

ICLEI Europe and the STRATEGO project are organising the event "Enhancing heating & cooling strategies at the local level", taking place on 24 May 2016 from 11 to 12:30 CET.Heating and cooling are intrinsically local/regional matters. Despite positive signals for the take-off of renewable heating an...
27 - 29 April 2016
Bilbao, Basque Country, Spain

8th European Conference on Sustainable Cities & Towns

The 8th European Conference on Sustainable Cities & Towns, the flagship conference on local sustainable development in Europe, is taking place from 27-29 April 2016 in Bilbao, Basque Country.Organised by ICLEI - Local Governments for Sustainability, the Basque Government, Bizkaia County Council and ...
26 April 2016, 14:00 - 18:00
Bilbao, Spain

Partnering up for greener cities: How public can work with private

GREEN SURGE Stakeholder Dialogue Forum

Green infrastructure has huge benefits to cities, their citizens and the local economy. But how can cities keep expanding and maintaining green infrastructure in the face of shrinking budgets? At the second GREEN SURGE Stakeholder Dialogue Forum, the Greater London Authority (UK) will show how priv...
26 April 2016, 14:00 - 20:30
Bilbao, Spain

PPI4Waste International Workshop on Innovative Waste Solutions

The PPI4Waste State of the Art workshop will take place on 26 April 2016 in Bilbao (Spain). The event bring together public procurers, suppliers and consultants in the field of waste management from all over Europe to discuss procurement needs and showcase state of the art solutions for specific are...