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Past events

22 May 2020

Edinburgh Process Thematic Webinar: Our Solutions are in Nature

Nature-based Solutions for Biodiversity Action

ICLEI Europe’s contribution to the "Edinburgh Process for Subnational and Local Governments on the development of the Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework" will include hosting a webinar on the interdependence of Nature-based Solutions (NBS) and Biodiversity, to take place on Friday, 22 May...
7 May 2020, 15:00 - 16:00

Facilitating project finance through standardised risk assessment

EIP-SCC Smart City project webinar series

Risk is inherent to all financial transactions, and its assessment occupies whole departments at large financial institutions. Energy efficiency finance is no exception. But, along with an overall lack of standardised terms and contractual agreements, there is also no generally accepted way of discu...
30 April 2020, 09:15 - 13:30

E-pitching of innovative solutions to support European public & private procurers against COVID-19

In response to the current sanitary crisis, EIC Accelerator and ICLEI will organise an online market engagement e-pitching event to connect public and private procurers from the health sector with EIC companies providing medical supply (e.g. personal protective garments, medication, test kits, respi...
29 April 2020, 10:00 - 16:00

Designing inclusive energy futures

An interactive e-workshop

Do you care about designing inclusive energy futures? Then apply (by 23 April) for the chance to be selected to join an expert e-workshop on the future of energy inclusiveness. Are you interested in the inclusiveness of collective energy production and consumption? Do you want to learn more about e...
21 April 2020, 10:00 - 11:30

Looking for Investment – What to Expect

Smart City Project Due Diligence

When embarking on a Smart City project it is important to "do your due diligence." But what does that really mean and what can you expect? If you are looking for investment into your Energy-, Transport & Mobility- or ICT-focused Smart City project, potential investors will seek assurances &ndas...
3 April 2020, 14:00 - 15:00

City Resilience Stories Webinar Series - COVID-19: Coping, Learning & Building Urban Resilience

The ICLEI City Resilience Stories Webinar Series presents David Jácome Polit and Piero Pelizzaro, Chief Resilience Officers from Quito (Ecuador) and Milan (Italy) in the webinar “COVID-19: Coping, Learning & Building Urban Resilience”. From Italy to Ecuador, the city Chief Re...
2 April 2020, 13:30 - 15:00

Sitopia: rethinking our lives through food

Webinar with keynote speaker Carolyn Steel

Although the 8th Informed Cities Forum, scheduled to take place on 2-3 April 2020 in Lucca (Italy) was cancelled, fruitful discussions are still possible, even when we cannot meet in person. We are happy to invite all interest persons to join us for an Informed Cities webinar with Carolyn Steel, wh...
31 March 2020, 11:00 - 12:00

(Almost) Everything you need to know about the 'What, Who and How'

Explored: Social Innovation in Energy Transitions

The SONNET project kicks-off its first webinar by exploring (Almost) Everything you need to know about the “What, Who and How”. This webinar will open a discussion on Social Innovation in Energy (SIE) in Europe today, and explore the diversity of SIE already being deployed. Speakers wil...
24 - 25 March 2020
Lüneburg, Germany

What does a desirable energy future look like for prosumer business models?

First in a series of three international workshops to build a roadmap for mainstreaming prosumerism in the European energy system until 2050

The Horizon 2020 PROSEU project provides insights into the process of mainstreaming renewable energy prosumerism across Europe. To this end, it among others investigates issues related to finance and business models, policy and governance as well as technology. To support policy-makers in the proce...