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Past events

30 November - 11 December 2015
Paris, France

TAP Pavilion at COP21

As international climate change negotiations proceed at COP21, local and regional climate action will be in the spotlight at the Cities & Regions Pavilion – TAP2015. As the central point for the local level at COP21, the Cities & Regions Pavilion invites mayors, governors, municipal leaders, civil...
23 - 24 November 2015
1010 Vienna, Austria

1st European Urban Green Infrastructure Conference 2015

Celebrating Nature-Based Solutions for Cities

The 1st European Urban Green Infrastructure Conference will address issues of climate change, biodiversity loss, water and energy management, health and community – and how nature-based solutions can help address these.Leading urban Green Infrastructure experts from policy, planning, design, imple...
19 - 20 November 2015
Istanbul, Turkey

3rd Livable Cities Symposium

Local government representatives, city transport experts and urban planners from around the world will gather in Istanbul (Turkey) in November for the 3rd Livable Cities Symposium to discuss how to build more sustainable cities in the face of rapid urbanisation.Presented by Embarq Türkiye, the symp...
18 November 2015, 10:00 - 14:30
Brussels, Belgium

Effective Access Management Schemes

CIVITAS CAPITAL is organising a free training on effective access management schemes in Brussels (Belgium) on 18 November 2015. Access management includes the development of low emission zones, urban road tolls, and traffic restrictions.The training will present the concept of developing access mana...
11 November 2015
Barcelona, Spain

2015 Procura+ Seminar

The challenges ahead: designing procurement for a low-carbon future

Jointly organised by ICLEI, Barcelona City Council, Barcelona Metropolitan Area, and Barcelona Provincial Council in cooperation with the GPP 2020 project consortium, the 2015 Procura+ Seminar will take place on 11 November 2015 in Barcelona (Spain).The 2015 Seminar will explore 'the challenges ahea...
4 November 2015, 14:00 - 15:30

Ramses Webinar: Drawing Pathways towards the Resilient City

The EU-funded RAMSES project aims to produce scientific evidence to inform adaptation decision-making. Climate adaptation and resilience building are already a priority in many cities. While the urgency of adaptation is indubitable, there is still the need for knowledge and resources to support its ...
29 October 2015, 09:00 - 17:00
Brussels, Belgium

PPI4Waste Procurement Foresight Workshop

The EU-funded PPI4Waste project, which explores mechanisms to overcome barriers to public procurement of innovation in the waste sector, is hold a free workshop in Brussels (Belgium) on 29 October 2015. The event will gather experts in public procurement of innovation (PPI), partners of the PPI4Wast...
29 October 2015

Intelligent procurement of energy-using products

Procura+ webinar

On 29 October ICLEI Europe will hold a webinar in the framework of the Procura+ campaign. The webinar is aimed at procurement practitioners or policy makers who want to ensure that tenders in their organisation result in lower energy use. Procurement of energy efficient products can be easy wins for...
27 October 2015, 10:00 - 11:30

Covenant of Mayors Webinar on Local Energy Data Collection for GHG Inventories

Country focus: Bulgaria

The Webinar on ‘Data Collection for Greenhouse Gas Inventories in Bulgaria’, organized by the Covenant of Mayors Office with ICLEI Europe, will be held on 27 October 2015 from 10:00 to 11:30 CET.This webinar will be held in Bulgarian.The webinar will inform participants - specifically targeting ...