
Search Result ( 253 - 261 from 285 )


Procura+ European Sustainable Procurement Network

Initiated and co-ordinated by ICLEI, Procura+ is a network of European public authorities and regions that connect, exchange and act on sustainable and innovation procurement.

Training in Ghana: Environmentally and Socially Responsible Procurement

Pilot client capacity building for Environmentally and Socially Responsible Procurement

This training project for "Environmentally and Socially Responsible Procurement (ESRP)" was a cooperation between the World Bank, the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and ICLEI - Local Governments for Sustainability towards the development of a training resource package on sustainable pro...


Sustainability in the Urban Public Transport Market

The SIPTRAM project aimed to encourage local and regional authorities across Europe to improve the environmental and social standards in urban public transport through the competitive tendering process.


Local Authority Environmental Management Systems and Procurement

LEAP developed tools for local authorities to systematically, effectively and efficiently deal with green procurement as part of an Environmental Management System (EMS). 
Tools developed included:

Developing a green procurement policy
Implementing joint procurement
Incorporating sustaina...


Sustainable Communities and Renewable Energy

The main objectives of this project are to review and develop a better understanding of the policies, mechanisms and strategies which have led to improvements in the integration of renewable energy sources (RES), the rational use of energy (RUE) and the use of clean energy for transport (CET) in Eur...


Public Internal Performance Contracting

Public Internal Performance Contracting (PICO) is an innovative concept for management and funding of energy efficiency in public buildings.


Clean Air For Europe

A research project providing an evaluation and recommendations regarding responses to short-term and localised air pollution in the CAFE project context.


Greening public procurement in Mediterannean local authorities

The GreenMed project is a joint initiative of Greek and Portuguese municipalities to promote the environmentally friendly purchasing of products and services.


Gaining Understanding of Improved Decision Making and Participating Strategies

The principal objective of this research project is to identify procedures and tools for improving decision-making in order to achieve sustainable mobility throughout the European Union.