

Urban Transitions Mission Centre

2022 - 2025

The Urban Transitions Mission Centre (UTMC) is a global platform that promotes urban sustainability and facilitates climate-neutral transitions. The UTMC helps cities to bridge knowledge and capacity gaps by linking cities with policy, implementation, and funding solutions via exchanges that transcend national and world Regions’ borders.

Building on the European Mission for Climate-Neutral and Smart Cities, the UTMC supports the activities of the Urban Transitions Mission (UTM) of Mission Innovation, and it enables a wide international knowledge and practice network of cities and urban stakeholders that helps drive transitions globally. It will enable cities to build their capacity in a networking environment with access to knowledge and tools on urban systems integration, technology developments, successful policies, investment and funding opportunities, as well as the cobenefits, mistakes and trade-offs that cities encounter in the pathway towards a net-zero urban environment.

The UTMC makes available evidence-based solutions and good practices to accelerate urban transitions and promote financing and funding opportunities to implement integrated urban climate action. It offers advanced frameworks and moderated learning across governance levels to raise awareness of and capacities for climate neutrality policies. The UTMC also establishes a forum for international exchange and cooperation on climate-neutral and net-zero urban transitions by organizing global and regional events and comprehensive dissemination measures to raise visibility of EU and international good practice and strengthen international cooperation.

About Urban Transitions Mission

The Urban Transitions Mission (UTM) was launched at the COP26 in November 2021 with the aim to
increase the capacity of cities worldwide, empowering them to shape urban transitions based on
robust knowledge and a strong net-zero community of support and exchange. Thanks to increased
capacity and access to knowledge, cities will be able to mobilise their inherent strength and the
potential of their communities – and develop their own customised solutions to effectively transition to
net-zero. The Mission aims to close the gap between research, development and deployment on
systemic transition pathways to net-zero, resilient and human-centred cities through multi-level, multi-
sectoral, and outcome-oriented partnerships.

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