
Search Result ( 244 - 252 from 289 )

Biofuel Cities

Biofuel Cities - Co-Ordination Action Biofuel Cities European Partnership (CAB-CEP)

Biofuel Cities is a forum for the application of biofuels. Open to all stakeholders in the area of biofuels for vehicles, it seeks to integrate European research and pilot application of biofuels for vehicles with a focus on application at the local level. Biofuel Cities works to build a European pa...

EU GPP Training Toolkit

Development of a Training Toolkit on Green Public Procurement

A toolkit designed to provide any European public authority with advice and information on the straightforward implementation of GPP, including a management model for gradual implementation, advice on the legal framework, and purchasing recommendations for 11 high-priority product groups

SP in Germany

Sustainable Procurement in Germany

The project Sustainable Procurement in Germany aied to raise awareness on sustainable procurement in Germany and was carried out together with the German-based organisation agenda-transfer. ICLEI’s role in the project was to assist in the preparation and organisation of a multi-stakeholder roundta...

Highlights and Results of the conference ´A Future with Zero CO2 Emissions´

ICLEI - Local Governments for Sustainability and the City of Stockholm jointly organised a successful conference 'A Future with Zero CO2 Emissions' from 15 - 17 May 2006 in Stockholm, Sweden. One main outcome of the conference is the report with hightlights and results from the conference, presenti...

Managing Urban Europe 25

Managing Urban Europe 25: Preparation of environmental management systems for urban areas

The Managing Urban Europe-25 Project utilized and improved on the elements of the most recognised environmental management systems (EMS) to overcome the “structural failures” at the local level in 14 European municipalities.


Dissemination of energy efficiency measures in the public buildings sector

The DEEP project promoted opportunities in improving energy efficiency through high environmental standards for public office buildings. European public procurement criteria and guidance for building materials, insulation standards, and green electricity were developed. The project also produced the...

LoGo Water

Towards effective involvement of Local Government in Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) in river basins of the Southern African Development Community (SADC) region

LoGo Water supported the capacity of local governments in the Southern African region to fulfil their role in the adoption of sound integrated water resources management solutions and thus contributed to the achievement of the water-related Millennium Development Goals.

Buy Fair

European Public Procurement guidelines for Fair Trade

Buy Fair served to develop practical guidelines for public procurers in Europe that wish to purchase fair trade products. The guidelines were developed through detailed consultation process with key stakeholders in Europe and from developing producer countries.
To complement the guidelines, a train...

Nottingham Conference 2005

Second National Councils' Climate Conference

A one day conference on climate change held in Nottingham, UK. It will see the launch of of a revised Nottingham Declaration with a much improved support package.