
Search Result ( 28 - 32 from 32 )


Sustainable Construction and Innovation in the European Public Sector

The SCI-Network aimed to drive innovative and sustainable construction through public procurement. The project produced a guide containing a series of procurement recommendations, together with an accompanying "snapshot" case study collection.

The project was a collaboration between European cit...


Innovation through Sustainable Procurement

SMART SPP – innovation through sustainable procurement promoted the introduction of new, innovative low carbon emission technologies and integrated solutions onto the European market by the pre-procurement phase of public tenders. Read about the guidance, tools and case studies produced here.


Dissemination of energy efficiency measures in the public buildings sector

The DEEP project promoted opportunities in improving energy efficiency through high environmental standards for public office buildings. European public procurement criteria and guidance for building materials, insulation standards, and green electricity were developed. The project also produced the...


Procura+ European Sustainable Procurement Network

Initiated and co-ordinated by ICLEI, Procura+ is a network of European public authorities and regions that connect, exchange and act on sustainable and innovation procurement.


Assistant Buildings’ addition to Retrofit, Adopt, Cure And Develop the Actual Buildings up to zeRo energy, Activating a market for deep renovation.

ABRACADABRA is based on the prior assumption that non-energy-related benefits play a key role in the deep renovation of existing buildings. In particular, ABRA actions focus on the creation of a substantial increase of the real estate value of the existing buildings through a significant energy and ...