
Projects ( 280 - 288 from 299 )

NABESI - German Research Project on Sustainable Procurement

NaBeSi - Realising the Potential of Sustainable Procurement and implementation Instruments

This project identifies hurdles for green purchasing, explores the legal framework and quantifies the environmental relief potential for Germany.

AQUA-Water Resources Protection at the Local Level

Water Resources Protection at the Local Level. Activities and Contacts

To collect existing information and technical expertise on local water management and transform it for adequate communication to relevant stakeholders and the general public involved in Local Agenda 21 processes in order to promote sustainable water management.

Good Practice Guide

Green Purchasing Good Practice Guide

The Guide provides local government purchasers with practical information and good practice examples on how to carry out green public procurement in practice.

Local ecoInstruments

European Commision Advanced Study Course on Local ecoInstruments Environmental Management and Economic Instruments for Local policy

Check It

Check It- Austrian criteria catalogue for Green Purchasers

A consortium of Austrian institutions has set up a green criteria catalogue to serve as a detailed guide for both public and private purchasers.

The European Green Fleets Project

The European Green Fleets Project,- Buying Efficient-

This project was developed to enable local authorities reduce CO2 emissions from their vehicle fleets.

LAREM Online

Local and Regional Energy Management Online Information Service

The project involved developing an online database to provide a central access point where experiences of local and regional energy agencies in Europe could be documented. It was designed to disseminate good examples of local and regional energy management to as wide an audience as possible. It is...

European CCP Campaign

European Cities for Climate Protection (CCP) Campaign

The European Cities for Climate Protection (CCP) Campaign forms part of a worldwide movement started in 1993. It addresses climate change mitigation (minimizing the human impact on global warming by reducing the release of harmful emissions) and adapting to climate change at the local level. The CCP...

Climate Resilience for Communities

Empowering Izmir to safeguard people against climate hazards