
Projects ( 271 - 279 from 299 )


Public Internal Performance Contracting

Public Internal Performance Contracting (PICO) is an innovative concept for management and funding of energy efficiency in public buildings.


Clean Air For Europe

A research project providing an evaluation and recommendations regarding responses to short-term and localised air pollution in the CAFE project context.


Greening public procurement in Mediterannean local authorities

The GreenMed project is a joint initiative of Greek and Portuguese municipalities to promote the environmentally friendly purchasing of products and services.


Gaining Understanding of Improved Decision Making and Participating Strategies

The principal objective of this research project is to identify procedures and tools for improving decision-making in order to achieve sustainable mobility throughout the European Union.


XENIOS- Developing an Audit Tool for Hotel Buildings and the promotion of RUE and RES

The aim of this project is the promotion of solar thermal applications in hotels, increasing awareness of the possibilities for using renewable energy sources installations promoting this to local authorities, hotels and their associations.

Eco-Procurement Survey

Survey on the State of Play of Green Public Procurement in the European Union

The main objectives of the survey were to find out the proportion of public authorities including environmental criteria into calls for tender, the geographical trends, and the extent of green purchasing activities practised.

RELIEF - European research project on green procurement

Environmental relief potential of urban action on avoidance and detoxification of waste streams through green public procurement

The RELIEF project demonstrated for the first time the environmental relief potential of green public procurement in the European Union - i.e. what environmental benefits could be achieved if European public authorities were to procure green products, services and works. The project also launched t...

Hidden Subsidies

How much does your municipality invest in traffic?An ICLEI Study to uncover hidden subsidies towards motorised private transport

The aim of this project was to identify how much a municipality subsidises motorised private transport.

PROST- Europe

Public Procurement of Energy Efficient Technology in Europe

This project aimed to discover ways in which the day-to-day procurement of public sector entities in Europe can be directed towards buying energy efficient products.