Publications & tools

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Guidance document

Buying Sustainable Timber - A guide for public purchasers in Europe (2nd Edition)

This guide provides clear recommendations to help European public authorities in making sure the wood/timber products they buy are produced and traded in a sustainable and fair way. It includes criteria which can be used directly in tender documents, as well as guidance on the development of a sustainable timber policy.

SCI-Network Guide: Procuring Innovative and Sustainable Construction Solutions

The aim of this guide is to help public authorities become “innovation friendly” in their construction procurement – to help them access the potential environmental, economic and social benefits that innovative construction solutions can bring. It offers guidance both on how best to set up your procurement process to encourage innovation and also offers information on different ways to finance investments.

SCI-Network Snapshots: Procuring innovative and sustainable construction

A collection of best practice "Snapshot" examples of innovative and sustainable construction procurement from across Europe. Published to complement the SCI-Network Guide.

How to organise sustainable meetings & events in Brussels - A practical guide

The Guide provides organisers and hosts of meetings and events from 10 to 100 participants with practical information and recommendations on how to manage their meetings and events in held in Brussels more sustainably.

Green Meeting Guide - Roll out the Green Carpet for your Participants

A practical guide for organisers of small to medium sized events.
Guidance document

Guidance for public authorities on Public Procurement of Innovation (PPI)

This Guide is aimed primarily at those who areresponsible for planning and executing procurementprocedures (procurers). It offers detailed informationabout the ‘why, what and how’ of PPI, includingcase studies from public authorities across Europe,explanations of procedures, definitions and answers tocommon questions. It may also be of interest to policymakers, consultants, private companies and otherswho have a stake in successful PPI. There is a growingcommunity of individuals and ...
Guidance document

Smart SPP - Driving sustainable innovation through public procurement in your region

A practical guide for public authorities

Success Stories in Socially Responsible Public Procurement

Using Public Spending to drive improvements for workers in global supply chains

GPP 2020 - Procurement for a low-carbon economy

GPP 2020 has demonstrated the hugeenergy and CO2 savings which publicauthorities in Europe can make byprocuring innovative products, servicesand works. This report is a summary of the results.