Publications & tools

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Case Study Guides on Shared Actions for the Green Deal

Collecting experience from 24 local actions across Europe to highlight how communities can help advance European Green Deal objectives, this guide presents concrete ideas on different topics of the European Green Deal.

ICLEI Europe’s Position Paper on the EU’s 2040 Climate Target

In February 2024, the European Commission proposed an EU-wide 90% net emission reduction target by 2040, following the recommendation from the European Scientific Advisory Body on Climate Change (ESABCC) to set a 2040 climate target of 90- 95% emission reductions. While presenting the 2040 target in the European Parliament, Commissioner Hoekstra highlighted the need for a dialogue and an extensive outreach to discuss how to reach this crucial intermediary target of 2040.
We welcome the Commissi...

Local Alliance Letter to EU Leaders to stay the course on Green Deal implementation

Local Alliance, European networks of local and regional governments, representing cities and regions ranging from the smallest rural towns to the largest metropolitan capitals across all EU Member States, wish to underscore the importance of staying on course to implement the European Green Deal under this and next mandates of the European Commission. European local and regional governments have already embarked on the journey to climate neutrality and started to transform our cities and regions...

Statement from the Coalition for Higher Ambition on the EU 2040 Climate Target

ICLEI and its partners from the Coalition for Higher Ambition rallied broad support for a science-based 2040 climate target. Ahead of the publication of the European Commission’s Communication on the EU Climate Target 2040 in February, members of the Coalition have prepared a joint letter calling for a science-based target of at least 90% net emission reductions to limit global temperature rise to below 1.5°C.
In the letter addressed to the Presidents of the three main institutions of...

German smart cities on the way to using the Environmental Insights Explorer by Google: A handbook for municipalities

This guide is intended for German municipalities interested in using data from Google's Environmental Insights Explorer (EIE) and illustrates how this data can support planning processes for climate protection, particularly in the transport sector. A step-by-step guide illustrates the process of the internal coordination to the use of the data.
The content of this handbook is based on the experience of the ICLEI Europe in analysing EIE data and its potential use to improve transport emissions c...
Published: 2023

Mobility & transport at ICLEI Europe - ICLEI Europe factsheet on mobility and transport

With over 70% of EU citizens living in urban areas, urban mobility has become a major factor affecting quality of life and health.

Technical Assessment of Transportation Data from Google Environmental Insights Explorer

The following technical assessment outlines the results of ICLEI Europe’s analysis of the Google Environmental Insights Explorer (EIE) tool. It investigates how EIE data is able to support cities in their efforts to reduce local-level transport emissions and promote sustainable urban mobility.

ICLEI Europe’s response to the EU’s Social Climate Fund

ICLEI Europe's position on the Social Climate Fund, submitted to the European Commission as part of their Fit-for-55 consultation process.

European sustainability award launched at Change the Change conference

Win 10,000 EUR and be recognised as a European leader of sustainable urban transformation with the 2019 Transformative Action Award