Publications & tools

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Published: 2024

ICLEI Ukraine Roadmap - Public Report

This report provides an overview of the key activities that took place as part of the development and implementation of the ICLEI Ukraine Roadmap adopting the EU Local Green Deal 'inside-out' approach, and provides highlights on how the European Urban Resilience Forum discussions and partnerships helped pave the way across the years for the engagement of the Ukrainian cities with European partners to help build resilience for their cities and communities

Mainstreaming resilience and climate adaptation policies in the EU’s Strategic Agenda 2024 - 2029

This document aims to provide recommendations to the EU’s Strategic Agenda 2024 - 2029 in order to mainstream resilience and adaptation across various policy areas and governance layers. These recommendations are building on ICLEI Europe’s decades-long experience, as well as the goals of the EU Adaptation Strategy, the assessment of the data published in Copernicus’ European State of the Climate Report 2023 and drawing on the European Environment Agency's first-ever European Climate Risk A...

ICLEI Europe’s Position Paper on the EU’s 2040 Climate Target

In February 2024, the European Commission proposed an EU-wide 90% net emission reduction target by 2040, following the recommendation from the European Scientific Advisory Body on Climate Change (ESABCC) to set a 2040 climate target of 90- 95% emission reductions. While presenting the 2040 target in the European Parliament, Commissioner Hoekstra highlighted the need for a dialogue and an extensive outreach to discuss how to reach this crucial intermediary target of 2040.
We welcome the Commissi...

Policy Brief: Transforming Europe’s building stock for a fair, affordable, climate-neutral future

This policy brief outlines the major challenges associated with the transformation of European building stock from local governments and authorities’ perspective, in addition to discussing current legislation in place. The brief will then present suggestions to address these challenges and turn the EU building stock from a major roadblock to a driving force for a climate-neutral, fair and sustainable future.
Published: 2024

ICLEI Ukraine Roadmap

This presentation provides a summary of the ICLEI Ukraine Roadmap key stages and the progress made so far in alignment with the principles of the European Alliance of Cities and Regions for the Reconstruction of Ukraine. This is done in collaboration with key local and regional stakeholders who shared their technical expertise and knowledge is supporting Ukrainian cities develop their Local Green Deals.

Call for urgent adoption of Nature Restoration Law

Cities, regions, environmental authorities, and partners of the Urban Agenda Partnership on Greening Cities call for urgent adoption of Nature Restoration Law by the European Council.
Published: 2024

Building Resilience through Adaptation at the Local Level

Covenant of Mayor’s Policy Support Facility has worked with cities across Europe to help them implement climate adaptation measures.
The Facility, a two year pilot programme which ran from 2022-2023, took shape over the course of four modules. Through a series of national workshops bringing together local authorities across 12 Member States, peer exchange opportunities, and technical expertise, regional and local authorities across Europe received tailored assistance to develop and implem...

Local Alliance Letter to EU Leaders to stay the course on Green Deal implementation

Local Alliance, European networks of local and regional governments, representing cities and regions ranging from the smallest rural towns to the largest metropolitan capitals across all EU Member States, wish to underscore the importance of staying on course to implement the European Green Deal under this and next mandates of the European Commission. European local and regional governments have already embarked on the journey to climate neutrality and started to transform our cities and regions...
Letters and Statements
Published: 2024

Liège Declaration on Adaptation to Climate Change

On 9 February, ICLEI, alongside over 70 organisations signed the Liège Declaration - The Roadmap for Adaptation to Climate Change. The Declaration represents a collective call to action and a commitment by the signing parties to address the challenges posed by climate change. It addresses the future of the European Green Deal post-2024 and actions relating specifically to climate change adaptation, nature-based solutions and resilience.
Learn more here.