Publications & tools

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ICLEI Europe’s Position Paper on the EU’s 2040 Climate Target

In February 2024, the European Commission proposed an EU-wide 90% net emission reduction target by 2040, following the recommendation from the European Scientific Advisory Body on Climate Change (ESABCC) to set a 2040 climate target of 90- 95% emission reductions. While presenting the 2040 target in the European Parliament, Commissioner Hoekstra highlighted the need for a dialogue and an extensive outreach to discuss how to reach this crucial intermediary target of 2040.
We welcome the Commissi...
Case Study
Published: 2024

How Google’s Environmental Insights Explorer (EIE) Supports Sustainability Efforts in Spanish Cities

To combat the climate emergency Spain declared in 2020, the country put sustainability and digitalisation centre to its development. Many Spanish cities are already leading the way towards climate neutrality and experiences from Madrid and Vitoria-Gasteiz show how digital platforms including Google’s Environmental Insights Explorer (EIE) can support efforts in Spanish cities. EIE provides free, virtually accessible, granular data on transportation and building emissions, rooftop solar ener...
Case Study
Published: 2024

Google’s Environmental Insights Explorer’s neighbourhood data assists Green Transport Planning

As a significant contributor to city greenhouse gas emissions, transportation also holds significant potential for decarbonising Europe. However, data-driven sustainable mobility planning for cities is a challenge due to the difficulties in transport data collection. This is where Google’s Environmental Insights Explorer (EIE) can help. As shown in this case study by the cities of Braga, Stockholm, Tampere, Vitoria-Gasteiz and Warsaw, EIE can play a valuable role in the mobility plans of m...
Case Study
Published: 2024

Google‘s Environmental Insights Explorer for Solar Scenario Planning: An Exploration from Madrid

ICLEI Europe in collaboration with the municipality of Madrid, used Google‘s Environmental Insights Explorer (EIE) to explore solar development objectives and insights into the city‘s rooftop PV capacity and energy generation potential. As stated in the “Madrid 360 Solar” strategy of the city, 30% of the electricity demand of municipal buildings should be covered by rooftop solar panels by 2030. High-quality data is critical for cities to evaluate the viability of their g...

Local Alliance Letter to EU Leaders to stay the course on Green Deal implementation

Local Alliance, European networks of local and regional governments, representing cities and regions ranging from the smallest rural towns to the largest metropolitan capitals across all EU Member States, wish to underscore the importance of staying on course to implement the European Green Deal under this and next mandates of the European Commission. European local and regional governments have already embarked on the journey to climate neutrality and started to transform our cities and regions...

Statement from the Coalition for Higher Ambition on the EU 2040 Climate Target

ICLEI and its partners from the Coalition for Higher Ambition rallied broad support for a science-based 2040 climate target. Ahead of the publication of the European Commission’s Communication on the EU Climate Target 2040 in February, members of the Coalition have prepared a joint letter calling for a science-based target of at least 90% net emission reductions to limit global temperature rise to below 1.5°C.
In the letter addressed to the Presidents of the three main institutions of...

Local Green Deals: A Blueprint for Action

This guide outlines the rationale behind Local Green Deals (LGDs), its key principles, levers and the steps for cities, stakeholders and local communities to take to implement a LGD.
Case Study
Published: 2023

Data and insights from Google’s Environmental Insights Explorer (EIE) support Greater Manchester 2040 Right Mix

EIE provides Greater Manchester (GM) with regional-level data helping them update their traffic reduction targets for 2040 in an evidence-based manner. Traffic reduction targets are currently being updated, they are a key pillar in achieving GM’s carbon emission reduction targets.
Case Study
Published: 2023

How Google’s Environmental Insights Explorer (EIE) is supporting Izmir in the identification of low carbon mobility options

The EIE five-year data from 2018 – 2022 allows Izmir complete information on trips occurring in the city, including private vehicles, buses, bikes, motorcycles, and ferry data. It also identifies low-carbon mobility options that inform the Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan (SUMP) and the Carbon Neutrality Roadmap.