Publications & tools

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Barcelona, Rotterdam and Flanders Scoop Awards at Major European Sustainability Event

The cities of Barcelona and Rotterdam, and the Government of Flanders, have scooped the 2018 Procura+ Awards at this year’s EcoProcura conference in Nijmegen, the Netherlands.

CIVITAS Awards 2018 recognise Europe’s pioneering cities for sustainable urban mobility

Eight European towns and cities were revealed as the winners of the CITIVAS Awards 2018, Europe’s most prestigious prizes for clean, urban transport. The announcements were made at a ceremony in Umeå, Sweden, on the second evening of CIVITAS Forum 2018.

Berliner Nachhaltigkeitsprofil

Berlin Sustainability Profile
Published: 2016

Open Governance in the Smart City

Through eleven cases – 9 European and 2 non-European cities - the report provides an overview of the variety of approaches local governments and communities can take to ICT enabled open governance. In addition to describing the different approaches, the report also discusses risks and challenges, concluding with a number of recommendations.

Energy Read 1: Social Innovation meets Energy

About the social dimension of energy transitions
Case Study

Smart City Factsheets

Set of smart solution factsheets developed in the GrowSmarter project. Topics range from Low Energy districts to Integrated Infrastructure and E-mobility.
Guidance document

Road to replication - Guiding cities on smart urban development

This report compiles the key results and most important reflections, recommendations and conclusions on the replication process within the lighthouse demonstration project GrowSmarter.

RUGGEDISED Smart City Project - Animated

Animated presentation of the RUGGEDISED smart city project, funded by the Horizon 2020 programme of the European Union.