Publications & tools

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Letters and Statements
Published: 2024

Letter to President von der Leyen from Local and Regional Government Networks in regards to Mission letters

This letter from European local and regional government networks (ACR+, CEMR, Climate Alliance, EnergyCities, Eurocities, Fedarene, ICLEI Europe and POLIS) is responding to the EC presidents messages in her Political Guidelines 2024- 2029 on the importance of regions and cities for addressing challenges from housing to mobility, from creating local jobs to developing infrastructures to support competitiveness. It is calling for a stronger collaboration between all levels of governments and the C...
Position paper
Published: 2023

Position of LGMA Constituency towards UNFCCC COP28: #MultiLevelActionDelivers in Action

The Local Governments and Municipal Authorities (LGMA) Constituency has released its official position in the lead-up to COP28, which includes ten requests as part of a call to action for COP28. The LGMA is the voice of cities and regions in the climate negotiation process. Every year at COP, the LGMA brings a clear set of priorities and a call to action for the Parties to the Paris Agreement, the COP Presidencies and the UNFCCC. With ICLEI as the focal point, and with leadership from Regions4, ...

Cities for an Integrated Landscape Approach - Curbing Land Degradation and Restoring Europe’s Soil Ecosystems

This ICLEI Europe led position paper provides key recommendations concerning the EU Soil Strategy for 2030.

ICLEI’s Vision on Youth Engagement in Global Climate Action

ICLEI aims to enhance participation of youth in climate action through proactive involvement in the activities of local governments across three pillars: (i) Advocacy, (ii) Knowledge Sharing and Capacity Development; and (iii) Governance.
Position paper
Published: 2021

ICLEI welcomes the EU’s efforts to foster a just transition

ICLEI Europe's position (September 2021) on the EU’s increasing efforts to foster just transitions, as demonstrated in the EU Green Deal, the EU Pillar of Social Rights and the Porto Declaration.

ICLEI Europe’s response to the EU Renewable Energy Rules

ICLEI Europe’s position on the EU Renewable Energy Rules, submitted to the European Commission as part of the Fit-for-55 consultation process.

ICLEI Europe’s response to the EU’s Social Climate Fund

ICLEI Europe's position on the Social Climate Fund, submitted to the European Commission as part of their Fit-for-55 consultation process.

ICLEI Europe’s response to the EU Energy Efficiency Directive

ICLEI Europe's position on the EU Energy Efficiency Directive, submitted to the European Commission as part of their Fit-for-55 consultation process.

Executive Summary – Fit-for-55+: Powering up a sustainable and fair energy transition in Europe

One-page summary of ICLEI's position on the revision of the Renewable Energy Directive (RED II) as of February 2021.