Publications & tools

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Prioritising a socially fair and green climate transition in the next EU Strategic Agenda

As the contours of the EU’s 2024-2029 Strategic Agenda begin to take shape, ICLEI joins a coalition of 54 civil society stakeholders, businesses, and organisations representing cities and regions from across Europe in urging European Heads of State and Government to prioritise the transition to a climate-neutral, green, fair, and social Europe.

Mainstreaming resilience and climate adaptation policies in the EU’s Strategic Agenda 2024 - 2029

This document aims to provide recommendations to the EU’s Strategic Agenda 2024 - 2029 in order to mainstream resilience and adaptation across various policy areas and governance layers. These recommendations are building on ICLEI Europe’s decades-long experience, as well as the goals of the EU Adaptation Strategy, the assessment of the data published in Copernicus’ European State of the Climate Report 2023 and drawing on the European Environment Agency's first-ever European Climate Risk A...

Call for urgent adoption of Nature Restoration Law

Cities, regions, environmental authorities, and partners of the Urban Agenda Partnership on Greening Cities call for urgent adoption of Nature Restoration Law by the European Council.