Publications & tools

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Guidance document

The Fano Guidelines

Building Capacity for Local Sustainability
Guidance document

The Aalborg Commitments

Ten years after the release of the Aalborg Charter, the 4th European Conference on Sustainable Cities & Towns was again held in Aalborg (2004). The purpose of the event was to develop a common understanding of sustainability, and as a consequence to develop a framework to be used at the local level that would better articulate how to embed sustainability across municipality sectors. The Aalborg Commitments were agreed on by consensus of the conference participants, including organisations su...
Guidance document

The Aalborg Charter

The ‘Aalborg Charter’ (1994) is an urban sustainability initiative approved by the participants at the first European Conference on Sustainable Cities & Towns in Aalborg, Denmark. It is inspired by the Rio Earth Summit’s Local Agenda 21 plan, and was developed to contribute to the European Union’s Environmental Action Programme, ‘Towards Sustainability’.
The Charter is based on the consensus of individuals, municipalities, NGOs, national and international...
Guidance document

Guidance for public authorities on Public Procurement of Innovation (PPI)

This Guide is aimed primarily at those who areresponsible for planning and executing procurementprocedures (procurers). It offers detailed informationabout the ‘why, what and how’ of PPI, includingcase studies from public authorities across Europe,explanations of procedures, definitions and answers tocommon questions. It may also be of interest to policymakers, consultants, private companies and otherswho have a stake in successful PPI. There is a growingcommunity of individuals and ...
Guidance document

Smart SPP - Driving sustainable innovation through public procurement in your region

A practical guide for public authorities
Guidance document

UrbanWINS Toolkit: A guide on urban metabolism and participatory processes for more efficient urban waste policies

This guide on urban metabolism and participatory processes for more efficient urban waste policies encourages policymakers, decision makers, waste experts and other stakeholders to improve the sustainability of their cities by interpreting waste issues and policies in an innovative way. This toolkit is a theoretical and practical guide.

15 Pathways to localise the Sustainable Development Goals

Inspiration from Cities implementing local actions contributing to global goals.

Road to replication - Guiding cities on smart urban development

This report compiles the key results and most important reflections, recommendations and conclusions on the replication process within the lighthouse demonstration project GrowSmarter.
Guidance document

A guide for pollinator-friendly cities: How can spatial planners and land-use managers create favourable urban environments for pollinators?

The ‘Guide for Pollinator Friendly Cities’ was created by ICLEI within the framework of the EU Pollinators Initiative, supplies decision makers as well as practitioners of local authorities a step-wise approach to change their city into a safe haven for pollinators.