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Letters and Statements

Prioritising a socially fair and green climate transition in the next EU Strategic Agenda

30 May 2024 00:00

In the letter ICLEI and partners emphasise the importance of integrating key factors such as competitiveness, energy, security, and global engagement within a forward-thinking strategy that ensures the lasting wellbeing of all Europeans.  The letter outlines several elements coalition partner consider to be key for inclusion in the next Strategic Agenda: 

  • Maintain the priority of a climate-neutral, green, fair, and social Europe: Accelerate the European Green Deal by setting an ambitious 2040 target, improving climate resilience, and boosting labour rights and social and civil dialogue.
  • Put public funding and economic governance on the agenda: Establish a long-term EU Fund aimed at achieving a socially just and competitive transformation towards net zero and a circular economy.
  • Urgently prioritise social and democratic concerns: Strengthen the social dimension, create quality jobs, and tie strong eco-social conditionalities to public funds.
  • Place clean transition partnerships at the core of the EU’s approach to foreign policy: Strengthen Europe’s geopolitical position, international stability and global decarbonisation efforts through mutually beneficial clean transition partnerships.

The letter is led by E3G, CISL, SOLIDAR, and the Climate Action Network Europe (CAN-E)
