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Past events

22 January 2024, 10:00 - 11:30

Financing a Transition Towards Climate Resilience

Cities are often at the frontline in addressing and responding to climate-related hazards due to their geographical location, often in low-lying coastal areas, and the concentration of population, infrastructure, and assets. In cities, the risk of climate hazards is layered on top of diverse social ...
18 January 2024, 12:00 - 13:30

How to get homeowners "warmed up" to the energy transition

Do you have a project or programme related to the energy transition? Like many other colleagues, you are probably looking for ways to get homeowners 'warmed up' to this challenge. We can come up with great plans and solutions, but if the homeowners do not want to, there is little we can do. How do y...
18 December 2023, 14:00 - 15:30

Leveraging local policy to drive sustainable behaviour change in cities

Behaviour and lifestyle change are pivotal in driving sustainable practices and enhancing the effectiveness of municipal Sustainable Energy & Climate Action Plans (SECAPs). To find out more, take part in a webinar on Monday 18 December, 14:00-15:30 CET! The EU Covenant of Mayors is hosting a di...
14 December 2023, 17:00 - 18:30

WEBINAR SERIES | From Agreement to Action

Sharing experiences for capacity building: presenting policy tools, guidelines, instruments, and programmes that facilitate subnational and local action on biodiversity

ICLEI Cities Biodiversity Centre (CBC), will host and lead a series of five webinars, with the support from partners: United Nations Environment Programme, Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity, International Union for Conservation of Nature, Regions4 and the European Committee of th...
14 December 2023, 11:00 - 12:30

Up-skilling for sustainability:

Introducing circularity in the construction sector

Through a series of webinars, the BUS-GoCircular project and BUILD UP bring circular construction methods to training centres. Join the next webinar on Dec 14, 2023 from 11:00 to 12:30 CET. Register here. In this interactive session, experts will give an overview of the new BUS-GoCircular methodolo...
8 December 2023, 11:00 - 12:30

Expanding Positive Energy Buildings across Europe

From Policy Roadmap to Replication

Positive Energy Buildings (PEBs) show new opportunities for the production of renewable energy and self-consumption, while providing benefits for residents and maximising cost-efficiency. The EXCESS EU Horizon 2020 project showcases how nearly-zero energy buildings can be transformed into positive e...
7 December 2023, 14:00 - 15:30

Facilitating the circular transition through IT solutions

CircularPSP aims to empower municipalities and local businesses to integrate circular principles into their daily work. ICLEI experts will discuss the barriers obstructing cities from embracing circularity and the tools and strategies available to local authorities to overcome them. Join us for thi...
6 December 2023, 11:00 - 12:00

JT:READY – Launch of the Just Transition Readiness Evaluation Tool

This next edition of the CINTRAN capacity-building programme is aimed at practitioners and those interested in learning more about the just energy transition in coal+ regions across Europe. Within this interactive webinar, participants will learn about the newly launched ‘Just Transition Readi...
5 December 2023, 11:00 - 12:00

Experimental cities:

Creating cultural spaces for climate action

ICLEI Europe’s webinar series for Members explores different ways European cities are making sustainability a reality. Webinars happen once a month from 11:00–12:00 CEST. Culture has unparalleled capacity to enable change, mobilising people to imagine and realise low-carbon, just, clima...