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Past events

27 June 2013, 9:00 - 13:00
Brussels, Belgium

Local leadership in sustainable energy

The workshop "Local leadership in sustainable energy", which takes place during EU Sustainable Energy Week (EUSEW), will facilitate the exchange of experience between local and regional governments in developing and implementing sustainable energy action plans (SEAPs). The event will also bring to l...
26 June 2013, 14:00 - 17:00
Brussels, Belgium

Pulling together for an energy transition

LOWCAP and Energy Vision North Sea Region final conference

LOWCAP, a cluster project that aims to deliver a common approach to carbon reduction and energy efficiency within the North Sea Region, will hold a joint final conference with Energy Vision North Sea Region, a project addressing the energy challenges stemming from the transition to renewable energy....
18 - 19 September 2012
Malmö, Sweden

Covenant capaCITY Conference

Energy Action Planning made easy!

Are you starting up with your municipal Sustainable Energy Action Plan (SEAP)? At the Covenant capaCITY Conference experts will lead you through the process - sharing useful guidance, great ideas and tips on how to proceed with SEAP development and stakeholder involvement.This one-day conference is ...
18 - 22 June 2012
Brussels, Belgium

European Union Sustainable Energy Week 2012

The European Union Sustainable Energy Week (EUSEW) is a week of events which take place all over Europe and Brussels. Events are organised to show, promote, discuss and celebrate renewable energy and energy efficiency.Energy days can be any event that promotes renewable energy or energy efficiency -...
10 October 2011
Brussels, Belgium

Open Days 2011

9th European Week of Regions and Cities

OPEN DAYS 2011 - Investing in Europe's future: Regions and cities delivering smart, sustainable and inclusive growth.OPEN DAYS 2011 consisted of about 100 sessions - workshops and debates – exhibitions and networking opportunities for the 6,000 or so participants who came to Brussels. OPEN DAYS w...
11 - 15 April 2011
Brussels, Belgium

EU Sustainable Energy Week 2011

The EU Sustainable Energy Week 2011 (EUSEW), is Europe's key event for a more sustainable energy future.Energy Day's were organised in cities, towns and regions all over Europe between 11 and 15 April 2011. For more information check out the Energy Days 2011 flyer.The European Institutions, associat...