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Past events

17 October 2017, 14:30 - 15:15

GREEN SURGE Webinar: How can cities and universities work hand in hand effectively?

A conversation with urban planners, facilitators and researchers on bridging institutional interests and cultures to build greener cities together

The GREEN SURGE project invites you to its next and final online conversation on what it takes for cities and universities to collaborate effectively to promote greener, healthier and more equitable cities. We will share our lessons learned from practitioners and researchers working together in Lear...
17 October 2017, 18:00

Webinar on Urban Sustainability Management

The sustainability performance of buildings and infrastructure is linked not only to their internal performance, but also to the performance of their immediate surroundings. Recognising the need for a holistic approach to improve the sustainability of cities and communities, standardisation bodies f...
12 October 2017

Speeding up market-uptake of buildings renovation in Europe

In Europe, buildings are responsible for 40 percent of energy consumption and 36 percent of CO2 emissions. Currently, about 35 percent of the EU's buildings are over 50 years old, and by improving the energy efficiency of its building stock the EU could reduce its total energy consumption by 5-6 per...
11 October 2017
Leuven, Belgium

Unlocking financing for local climate action

Practical information for smaller municipalities

This practical conference focused on access to finance for local energy and climate action, with a particular emphasis on smaller-sized European cities and towns. Experts from the European Commission, the Global Covenant of Mayors and the European Investment Bank helped to shape the discussion, with...
2 - 3 October 2017
Budapest, Hungary

Smart Cities Information System (SCIS) final conference

Empowering smart solutions for better cities

ICLEI will be present at the Smart Cities Information System (SCIS) final conference: "Empowering smart solutions for better cities", which will take place in Budapest (Hungary) from 2 - 3 October. The conference will provide a chance to meet with creative thinkers and decision-makers in urban plann...
27 - 29 September 2017
Torres Vedras, Portugal


‘Small communities, big ideas’

The European Conference on cleaner, better transport in cities, the CIVITAS FORUM, will take place on 27-29 September 2017 in Torres Vedras (Portugal). The forum, held as part of the CIVITAS (City VITAlity and Sustainability) initiative, is a key event for transport practitioners, policy makers, an...
20 - 21 September 2017
Malmö, Sweden

Connecting People and Nature for Sustainable Cities

GREEN SURGE International Conference 2017

The City of Malmö and the GREEN SURGE consortium are pleased to invite you to their gathering of researchers, policy-makers and practitioners in Malmö on 20-21 September 2017 to explore the social, environmental and economic virtues of urban green infrastructure.• Meet leading researchers to lea...
20 September 2017
Mannheim, Germany

Health-onomics of walking & cycling

PASTA Project final conference at the International Cycling Conference 2017

Organised by the German Environment Agency (UBA), the International Cycling Conference(ICC) will host on the 20 September 2017 the PASTA Project Final Conference. The EU-funded project PASTA - Physical Activity Through Sustainable Transport Approaches - aims to show how promoting active mobility (i....
19 - 21 September 2017
Potsdam, Germany

Cities and Climate Conference 2017

Cities are both focal points of human endeavour and major emitters, forming part of the global climate problem. While cities are characterised by an overwhelming complexity, they are also threatened by climate impacts. It is a challenge to develop cities into entities that consume fewer resources, ...