
Search Result ( 10 - 18 from 30 )


Carbon Intensive Regions in Transition - Unravelling the Challenges of Structural Change

The CINTRAN project studies the complex patterns and dynamics of structural change in those carbon-intensive regions across Europe.

Financing Greener Cities

"Financing Greener Cities" was a capacity-building event, which focused on "Strengthening the capacity of local authorities and practitioners for making informed decisions on financing nature-based solutions."



Hamburg, London and Milan will co-create locally tailored nature-based solutions for urban regeneration as part of the European-funded CLEVER Cities project.

SMR - Smart Mature Resilience

Smart Mature Resilience

The Smart Mature Resilience project responds to the need for enhanced resilience in European cities.

GPP 2020

GPP 2020 - Mainstreaming low-carbon procurement

GPP 2020 aimed to mainstream low-carbon procurement across Europe in support of the EU’s goals to achieve a 20% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions, a 20% increase in the share of renewable energy and a 20% increase in energy efficiency by 2020.

To this end, GPP 2020 implemented more than 100...


RAMSES - Science for Cities in Transition

RAMSES was a European research project which aimed to deliver much needed quantified evidence of the impacts of climate change and the costs and benefits of a wide range of adaptation measures, focusing on cities.

Realising DReAMS

Realising Development of Resources and access to Municipal Services

Both environmental degradation and poverty alleviation are urgent global challenges that are too often treated separately. With pressing development needs in Least Developed Countries, and with a growing population, approaches to such global challenges require rethinking. But when new approaches are...

Regions for Sustainable Change (RSC) partnership

Regions for Sustainable Change (RSC) partnership – focus on Burgenland

As part of the 3-year Regions for Sustainable Change (RSC) partnership running from late 2008 – co-funded by the INTERREG IVC Programme) - ICLEI Europe has engaged in early 2010, focussing on developments in Burgenland (Austria). ICLEI Europe addressed the analysis of Burgenland carbon emissions a...

Energy Efficiency in Chisinau and Sevastopol

Increasing energy efficiency of Chisinau and Sevastopol municipalities based on existing positive experiences

Urban development in Moldova and Ukraine traditionally did not deal with issues of energy efficiency (EE) since Soviet times, when energy security was not endangered and energy resources were extremely cheap. Unfortunately, since independence and with prices worldwide increasing for energy resources...