
Search Result ( 181 - 189 from 289 )


Physical Activity through Sustainable Transport Approaches

The PASTA - Physical Activity through Sustainable Transport Approaches project focused on the promotion and factors enabling active mobility (i.e. walking and cycling including in combination with public transport use) in cities as an innovative approach to integrate physical activity into our every...


PROBIS - Supporting Public Procurement of Building Innovative Solutions

The PROBIS project implemented a series of innovative energy efficient building refurbishment solutions within four pilot public procurement processes.
Solutions were implemented in Torino, Lombardy, Borlänge and Miskolc.


Procurement of eco-innovative catering

INNOCAT aimed to bring together a group of public and private buyers to publish a series of tenders for eco-innovative catering products, services and solutions.


Green Infrastructure and Urban Biodiversity for Sustainable Urban Development and the Green Economy

Between 2013 and 2017 GREEN SURGE has worked on identifying and developing ways of planning, creating and managing urban green spaces whilst at the same time strengthening their biodiversity, making them accessible and available to all groups of society and promoting an economy based on green infras...

European Urban Transport Roadmap 2030

European Urban Transport Roadmap 2030 provides user-friendly policy-support tools for cities to identify which transport policies are most suited to their local context and can help them to achieve the European urban transport policy goals. More specifically, it helps cities develop the first scenar...


The urban mobility observatory

Eltis facilitates the exchange of information, knowledge and experiences in the field of sustainable urban mobility in Europe. It is aimed at individuals working in transport as well as in related disciplines, including urban and regional development, health, energy and environmental sciences. Creat...


ENIGMA - Enlightenment & Innovation Ensured through Pre-Commercial Procurement in Cities

ENIGMA is a FP7 project that aims to implement a joint transnational pre-commercial procurement (PCP) procedure in the field of public lighting. Coordinated by the city of Eindhoven, the project’s 5 partner municipalities (Eindhoven, Malmo, Stavanger, Espoo and Bassano del Grappa) cooperate on pro...


PRIMES - Green Public Procurement

The project aims to develop basic skills and provide hands-on support for public purchasing organisations in order to overcome barriers and implement Green Public Procurement. This will support a reduction in energy use and CO2 emissions.

Deutscher Nachhaltigkeitspreis

The Deutscher Nachhaltigkeitspreis (German Sustainability Award) is an annual award for sustainability that recognizes outstanding achievements by companies, local governments and individuals.