
Search Result ( 19 - 23 from 23 )

Clean Fleets Project

Clean Fleets was aimed at assisting public authorities and fleet operators to purchase clean and energy efficient vehicles, in line with the requirements of the Clean Vehicles Directive (CVD)


Planning sustainable mobility together

Poly-SUMP, Polycentric Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans, aims to develop a sustainable mobility planning methodology in polycentric regions – areas characterised by several centres, where services and goods, and therefore transport needs, are scattered in different towns.
Planning mobility in...


European Mobility Week is a European Commission awareness-raising campaign designed to highlight the benefits of active forms of transport to improve public health and quality of life!


Advancing Sustainable Urban Transport in an Enlarged Europe through CIVITAS

CIVITAS VANGUARD assists the coordination and dissemination of results of the CIVITAS-Plus phase of the CIVITAS Initiative for cleaner and sustainable urban transport. Activities include conducting a needs assessment conducted among the CIVITAS-Plus demonstration projects and a broader audience. The...


Procura+ European Sustainable Procurement Network

Initiated and co-ordinated by ICLEI, Procura+ is a network of European public authorities and regions that connect, exchange and act on sustainable and innovation procurement.