
Projects ( 181 - 189 from 281 )


PRIMES - Green Public Procurement

The project aims to develop basic skills and provide hands-on support for public purchasing organisations in order to overcome barriers and implement Green Public Procurement. This will support a reduction in energy use and CO2 emissions.

Deutscher Nachhaltigkeitspreis

The Deutscher Nachhaltigkeitspreis (German Sustainability Award) is an annual award for sustainability that recognizes outstanding achievements by companies, local governments and individuals.


Reference Framework for European Sustainable Cities

The Reference Framework for European Sustainable Cities (RFSC) is an online toolkit designed to help cities promote and enhance their work on integrated sustainable urban development.


Improvement of energy efficiency in the water cycle by the use of innovative storm water management in smart Mediterranean cities

E²STORMED promoted the use of SuDS to improve energy efficiency in the urban water cycle and in buildings in mediterranean cities.


RAMSES - Science for Cities in Transition

RAMSES was a European research project which aimed to deliver much needed quantified evidence of the impacts of climate change and the costs and benefits of a wide range of adaptation measures, focusing on cities.

Clean Fleets Project

Clean Fleets was aimed at assisting public authorities and fleet operators to purchase clean and energy efficient vehicles, in line with the requirements of the Clean Vehicles Directive (CVD)


Planning sustainable mobility together

Poly-SUMP, Polycentric Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans, aims to develop a sustainable mobility planning methodology in polycentric regions – areas characterised by several centres, where services and goods, and therefore transport needs, are scattered in different towns.
Planning mobility in...


European Mobility Week is a European Commission awareness-raising campaign designed to highlight the benefits of active forms of transport to improve public health and quality of life!


Systemic energy renovation of buildings

The objective of iNSPiRe is to tackle the problem of high-energy consumption by producing systemic renovation packages that can be applied to residential and tertiary buildings. The renovation packages developed by iNSPiRe aim to reduce the primary energy consumption of a building to lower than 50 k...