
Projects ( 46 - 54 from 278 )


P2GreeN will develop, test and adapt the use of human sanitary waste to produce safe, bio-based fertilizers for agriculture. The objective is to foster nutrient recovery of phosphorous and nitrogen between urban and rural areas.


NBS EduWORLD is a Horizon Europe project aimed at nurturing an NBS-literate society by supporting a just transition to a sustainable future. For this, NBS EduWORLD will create an NBS community that facilitates synergies between NBS professionals and education providers, and ensures free and easy acc...

Cultuur&Campus Putselaan

Cultuur&Campus Putselaan is a pilot for sustainable and inclusive urban development, (art) education, culture and socially relevant research, from neighborhood residents, local entrepreneurs and (art) education, schools and the municipality of Rotterdam, in the heart of Rotterdam South. Cultuur&...


Equitable RESilience solutions to strengthen the link between CUltural landscapEs and coMmunitiEs

RescueME focuses on a landscape approach to resilience, aiming to protect cultural heritage and landscapes.


Prototype Partnership for Sustainable Food Systems (SFS) for people, planet and climate’

The EU-funded project FOODPathS aims to set up a prototype of the European “Partnership for Sustainable Food Systems for people, planet and climate” - a new European governance model to co-fund future research and innovation activities at local, national and EU level. As European Food Sy...


integrated urban FOOD policies – developing sustainability Co-benefits, spatial Linkages, social Inclusion and sectoral Connections to transform food systems in city-regions

The EU funded project FoodCLIC will create strong science-policy-practice interfaces across eight European city-regions (45 towns and cities). The backbone of such interfaces will be provided by Food Policy Networks, which will be trained in Living Labs to build a policy-relevant evidence base throu...


Transforming Africa’s urban food environments through strenghtening linkages between food system stakeholders in cities actoss Europe and the continent

Launched in December 2022, AfriFOODlinks is an EU funded project that aims to improve food and nutrition security, while delivering positive outcomes for climate and the environment, and building social and ecological resilience in 65+ Cities in Africa and Europe. Coordinated by ICLEI Africa, the pr...


Changing practices and Habits through Open, Responsible, and social Innovation towards ZerΟ fοod waste

CHORIZO stands for Changing practices and Habits through Open, Responsible, and social Innovation towards ZerΟ fοod waste and aims to improve the understanding of how social norms (rules or expectations that are socially enforced) influence behaviour related to food loss and waste (F...

Buy Better Food

Buy Better Food Campaign for sustainable food on the public plate

European advocacy campaign for sustainable food on the public plate. The Campaign calls for the uptake of public food procurement rules that work for the environment, consumers, and workers, and that provide healthy food to European citizens in public places such as schools, hospitals and elderly ca...