Publications & tools

Search Result ( 28 - 36 from 67 )

Instrumente für kommunales Nachhaltigkeitsmanagement (Tools for local sustainability management)

Municipalities at the beginning of their path towards sustainability need field-tested instruments because they face – often for the first time – the task of adapting centralized tools such as sustainability strategies or reports to their specific needs . This publication describes how local authorities can get such processes underway without having to reinvent the wheel.
Guidance document

The Mannheim Message

The Mannheim Message calls for core systemic changes and key policy shifts needed to bring about transformation for a resilient, inclusive and sustainable Europe. Further, it calls for local authorities to be key partners in the development of Local Green Deals and the European Green Deal, to be used as key tools to facilitate this transformation.
The Mannheim Message, which mainly addresses local and European leaders, was finalised by European Mayors on 21 September 2020. The Message was forma...
Guidance document

Procuring Zero Emission Delivery of Goods and Services

BuyZET Handbook to help reduce traffic in urban areas, and promote the use of zero emission vehicles in urban logistics.

How can your city become future-proof?

The brochure includes transformation pathways from European Green Capital Network members and practical tips for local governments looking for ways to make their cities and towns future-proof.

From Dream to reality - recommendations for policy makers and practitioners

This report presents the conclusions and recommendations from GrowSmarter, a five-year project that demonstrated smart city solutions in energy, infrastructure and transport and provided other cities with valuable insights on how the solutions work in practice.

Energy Innovation Procurement. A Guide for City Authorities

This Guide provides a multi-level approach for ambitious City authorities that wish to achieve transformational energy outcomes across the city. It includes the methodology that was created and applied within the European project CEPPI (Coordinated energy-related PPIs actions for cities) known as the ‘Flexible Framework for Energy Innovation Procurement’, approaches to needs identification and planning, and strategies for procurement interventions to achieve innovation.
Guidance document

European Resilience Management Guideline

The European Resilience Management Guideline defines an operational framework for cities that provides guidance on local resilience planning and supports their efforts in building resilience. The European Resilience Management Guideline aims to direct available resources towards defined goals, while securing transparency and the democratic principles of decision-making for city resilience development and planning.
Guidance document

Wirkungsorientiertes Nachhaltigkeitsmanagement in Kommunen

[4 guidelines for impact-oriented sustainability management in communities (in German)]
Diese vier Leitfäden unterstützen Kommunen in ihrer Verantwortung für eine nachhaltige Entwicklung.
Guidance document

Manual on the integration of measures and measure packages in a SUMP - START

This manual provides support for planners in cities that are not yet familiar with sustainable urban mobility planning and who need support with where to start in the context of measure selection. As a complementary manual to the general Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan (SUMP) guidelines, it gives examples and suggestions on how to conduct measure selection for the first SUMP, types of measures that can be of interest for a SUMP, how to grade the measures and how to gain approval for the selected...