Publications & tools

Latest ( 109 - 117 from 241 )

A WinWin(d) for all - The Handbook for socially-inclusive Wind Energy

This handbook, “A WinWin(d) for all,” provides guidance on how public engagement for socially-inclusive wind energy projects can be approached. It answers three core questions: "How can wind energy planning be made more inclusive?", "How can the economic benefits of wind energy be shared with society?" and "How can socially-inclusive wind energy be made the new normal?".
Guidance document

How to procure fair ICT

The criteria document aims to support experienced procurers in leveraging public purchases of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) hardware to positively impact working conditions across the electronics supply-chain. The criteria set covers guidance on Subject Matter, Selection and Award Criteria, Technical Specifications as well as Contract Clauses. The criteria set is ambitious as it goes beyond smelter level but addresses issues at mining stage also.
Case Study


A report, published by the European Commission, written with support by ICLEI, collecting 71 good practice cases on how public buyers have implemented socially responsible public procurement (SRPP), in order to promote employment opportunities, decent work, social inclusion, accessibility, ethical trade, design for all and seeking to achieve wider compliance with social standards.
Case Study

Devolution to cities: A case study of KL - Local Government Denmark

Many countries are debating the effectiveness of devolving governing responsibilities to cities. There is increasing recognition that many citizen-facing responsibilities, such as kindergartens, schools, elderly care, unemployment benefits, skills and job training, refugee shelter, and the integration of immigrants take place in cities under the management of municipalities. However, the fiscal capacity of cities to provide these services varies widely in different countries. For instance, conti...

European sustainability award launched at Change the Change conference

Win 10,000 EUR and be recognised as a European leader of sustainable urban transformation with the 2019 Transformative Action Award

Open Governance - Making digital tools work for cities and citizens

The experiences and lessons learned from the development of the smarticipate platform are summarised in this document in a series of 12 recommendations.

KeepWarm Learning Centre

The KeepWarm Learning Centre is pooling resources and solutions on district heating in Europe and beyond. This includes a large selection of training materials developed or collected by project partners, but also reports, materials with data-sheets, analysis, policy recommendations, as well as business models, funding sources, project development and implementation steps characteristic for each of the technological solutions.

How can your city become future-proof?

The brochure includes transformation pathways from European Green Capital Network members and practical tips for local governments looking for ways to make their cities and towns future-proof.

Conclusions from implementing integrated infrastructure in smart cities

This report describes the conclusions that followed the implementation of eleven measures under the topic of Integrated Infrastructure in the GrowSmarter project in its’ three “Lighthouse Cities” of Barcelona, Cologne and Stockholm.