Publications & tools

Latest ( 109 - 117 from 226 )

Conclusions from implementing integrated infrastructure in smart cities

This report describes the conclusions that followed the implementation of eleven measures under the topic of Integrated Infrastructure in the GrowSmarter project in its’ three “Lighthouse Cities” of Barcelona, Cologne and Stockholm.
Press release
26 April 2018

Local authorities urged to join EU process for improving quality of life in cities at Bonn event

The Italian municipality of Bologna called for local authorities attending Open European Day 2018 in Bonn
(Germany) today to join them in contributing to the EU Urban Agenda
Press release
26 April 2018

Sustainable procurement project saves CO2 emissions equal to driving a car for more than 3 trillion kilometres per year

The SPP Regions project, coordinated by ICLEI - Local Governments for Sustainability, concluded in March 2018 achieving emissions savings of 394,000 tCO2/year through eco-innovative tenders carried out in the project‘s seven regional sustainable procurement networks.
The carbon savings achieved equate to the emissions of more than 3 trillion kilometres driven by a new car sold in the EU in 2016 - the equivalent of over seven return trips to Mars per year.
The 40 eco-innovative tenders ca...
Press release
28 March 2018

Comprehensive heat and cold profiles of key EU Member States published

Heat Roadmap Europe (HRE), an EU-funded research project, has published datasets providing insight into the structure of the heat and cold supply in the EU and individual Member States. These publicly available datasets can be used by national and regional authorities and industry as the basis for strategic energy policy development and the European Commission in the next stages of its Heating and Cooling Strategy process.
HRE’s datasets break down information into digestible formats whic...
Press release
21 March 2018

Procurement strategies for sustainability in the spotlight at Procura+ seminar

Procura+ European Sustainable Procurement Network announces new chair at sustainable and innovation procurement seminar in Oslo.
The city of Oslo‘s Vice Mayor for Finance Robert Steen has used the 15th Procura+ Seminar to highlight how innovative public procurement strategies can achieve ambitious targets at the city level.
Vice Mayor Steen delivered an opening speech to more than 100 delegates at the Procura+ European Sustainable Procurement Network‘s flagship seminar event hosted...
Press release
16 March 2018

New resources to help support innovation in the bio-based sector

The European InnProBio project has now come to an end following a three-year term. This has seen the finalisation and publication of several new reports including a practical handbook tailored to the public sector to support public procurement.
The Handbook on public procurement of bio-based products and services provides practical advice on how to go about purchasing bio-based products (or services using bio-based products), by specifically looking into the pre-procurement, tendering and post-...
Press release
28 February 2018

2018 Transformative Action Award launched at Urban Future Conference

The 2018 Transformative Action Award was launched today during the opening day of the Urban Future Conference in Vienna (Austria) by ICLEI Regional Director and Transformative Action Award jury member, Wolfgang Teubner.
The award, organised by ICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainability, the Basque Country and the City of Aalborg (Denmark), rewards ongoing or concluded Transformative Actions that use the 15 pathways outlined in the Basque Declaration to achieve the socio-cultural, socio-...

Standards for Developing a SUMP Action Plan

The report provides city planners with comprehensive guidance on what to include in their SUMP action plans, including responsibilities, resources, stakeholder coordination, time plans, and funding sources.
Press release
13 September 2018

Tshwane announced as new chair of Global Lead City Network on Sustainable Procurement

Executive Mayor of Tshwane, South Africa, Solly Msimanga is announced as the new chair of ICLEI’s Global Lead City Network on Sustainable Procurement (GLCN) at the Global Climate Action Summit.
The GLCN is a group of 14 cities from around the globe committed to the implementation of sustainable and innovation procurement. Their goal is to support the transition to a low carbon, resource efficient and socially responsible society.
Launched by ICLEI in 2015 and developed under the leadersh...