Publications & tools

Latest ( 91 - 99 from 226 )

A WinWin(d) for all - The Handbook for socially-inclusive Wind Energy

This handbook, “A WinWin(d) for all,” provides guidance on how public engagement for socially-inclusive wind energy projects can be approached. It answers three core questions: "How can wind energy planning be made more inclusive?", "How can the economic benefits of wind energy be shared with society?" and "How can socially-inclusive wind energy be made the new normal?".
Case Study


A report, published by the European Commission, written with support by ICLEI, collecting 71 good practice cases on how public buyers have implemented socially responsible public procurement (SRPP), in order to promote employment opportunities, decent work, social inclusion, accessibility, ethical trade, design for all and seeking to achieve wider compliance with social standards.
Guidance document

How to procure fair ICT

The criteria document aims to support experienced procurers in leveraging public purchases of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) hardware to positively impact working conditions across the electronics supply-chain. The criteria set covers guidance on Subject Matter, Selection and Award Criteria, Technical Specifications as well as Contract Clauses. The criteria set is ambitious as it goes beyond smelter level but addresses issues at mining stage also.

Instrumente für kommunales Nachhaltigkeitsmanagement (Tools for local sustainability management)

Municipalities at the beginning of their path towards sustainability need field-tested instruments because they face – often for the first time – the task of adapting centralized tools such as sustainability strategies or reports to their specific needs . This publication describes how local authorities can get such processes underway without having to reinvent the wheel.

Guidelines for co-design- ing and co-implementing green infrastructure in urban regeneration processes

These practical guidelines offer general and transferrable guidance on how to initiate, steer and organize collaborative co-design processes for local nature-based solutions (NBS), together with multi-dimensional stakeholders in any given city. They target anyone aiming to lead, organise or facilitate participatory multi-stakeholder engagement processes for NBS, especially municipal representatives. Taking the local and varied co-design processes executed in the EU-funded proGIreg project's Livi...
Guidance document

The Mannheim Message

The Mannheim Message calls for core systemic changes and key policy shifts needed to bring about transformation for a resilient, inclusive and sustainable Europe. Further, it calls for local authorities to be key partners in the development of Local Green Deals and the European Green Deal, to be used as key tools to facilitate this transformation.
The Mannheim Message, which mainly addresses local and European leaders, was finalised by European Mayors on 21 September 2020. The Message was forma...

Ghent, Belgium - Transformative Action Award Winner, 2018

The Transformative Action Award recognises outstanding achievement in transforming cities for a more sustainable future.
The award rewards current or concluded Transformative Actions that address the pathways of the Basque Declaration related to three categories: socio-cultural transformation; socio-economic transformation; and technological transformation.
During an award ceremony held in Brussels at the European Committee of the Regions (CoR), Ghent (Belgium) was announced as the winner of t...
Press release
14 February 2019

Creating sustainable and just cities through Urban Arenas

A new European research project, UrbanA - Arenas for sustainable and just cities, kicked off in Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany last month.
The Urban Arenas will be co-creative spaces designed to generate convincing, specific, and actionable solutions towards sustainable cities that foster deep forms of democracy and citizen empowerment.
Over the coming three years, a series of four Urban Arenas will bring together policymakers, researchers, engaged citizens and others – collectively known...

Open Governance - Making digital tools work for cities and citizens

The experiences and lessons learned from the development of the smarticipate platform are summarised in this document in a series of 12 recommendations.